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Creating the future of tech

Alejandro Ríos Muñoz alejoriosm04

Creating the future of tech
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luismtorresv /
Last active November 6, 2022 17:14
Recursively find smallest integer in 2D array (Java). Disclaimer: This program does not really make sense.
* Find the smallest integer in a 2D array.
* This program does not really make sense.
* @author Luis M. Torres-Villegas
* @version 2022.11.05
public class RecursiveSmallestInteger2DArray {
public static void main(String args[]) {
alejoriosm04 /
Created October 27, 2022 02:25
Python script to test the behavior of a binary tree
Test the behavior of a binary tree
Written in Python by Alejandro Ríos
For the course "Data Structures and Algorithms I" at EAFIT University
- Links the functions and classes of with your main file
- Prints your Binary Tree in the console
- Create a Binary Tree from scratch and see the output from your modifications