<script id="nb-loader-script"> | |
(function(url) { | |
// document.currentScript works on most browsers, but not all | |
var where = document.currentScript || document.getElementById("nb-loader-script"), | |
promoted = false, | |
LOADER_TIMEOUT = 3000, | |
IDPREFIX = "__nb-script"; | |
// function to promote a preload link node to an async script node |
I had some massive problems when installing the 10.13.3 update on macOS. The update installed, my computer successfully restarted - but on a subsequent restart the boot failed and displayed the following installation log:
Apr 4 04:07:04 MacBook-Pro opendirectoryd[186]: [session] Processing a network change notification
Apr 4 04:07:06 MacBook-Pro Unknown[526]: Launching the Language Chooser for an OS Install
Apr 4 04:07:06 MacBook-Pro bspowerassertiontool[521]: Tool exited successfully (0).
Apr 4 04:07:06 MacBook-Pro launchprogresswindow[524]: ISAP: Show progress UI called
Apr 4 04:07:07 MacBook-Pro Installer Progress[180]: Progress UI App Starting
Apr 4 04:07:32 MacBook-Pro opendirectoryd[186]: [session] Received a network change notification
Apr 4 04:07:32 MacBook-Pro opendirectoryd[186]: [session] Received a network change notification
// Expected Queueing Time | |
// | |
// Initial impl by Nicolás Peña (npm), Tim Dresser (tdresser) | |
// Usage: | |
// var eqt = EQT.begin(); | |
// // ... | |
// const {expectedQueueingTime} = EQT.end(); | |
class EQT { | |
constructor() { |
Moved to |
(Chinese version available here, courtesy of @jiangplus
(This is an English translation of my Danish blog post, Bitcoin for voksne)
Bitcoin is a digital currency that has no central authority. It's a currency where you do not have to rely on anyone to know it's worth it. As a concept, it's similar to gold. Gold has a value in itself, as opposed to, say a $100 note that only has value if the U.S. government says it has value. Similarly, the idea of Bitcoins is that they have value by themselves.
Let's try to understand how Bitcoin works.
Author: Chris Lattner