:map ,t :w\|:!rake<cr>
This gist is part of a blog post. Check it out at:
brew install imagemagick@6 | |
brew link imagemagick@6 --force | |
# brew install https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/raw/7efe381f290b472950ad4d1b25e3e4db58a58dd7/Formula/imagemagick.rb | |
# ## if you get a missing PNG library error install with --from-source option | |
# # brew install https://github.com/Homebrew/homebrew-core/raw/7efe381f290b472950ad4d1b25e3e4db58a58dd7/Formula/imagemagick.rb --from-source | |
# brew switch imagemagick 6.9.7-1 |
# replace with the specific selenium image you use | |
# the problem is with Xvfb, not the selenium server or the browser, | |
# so this fix should apply to all selenium images | |
FROM selenium/standalone-firefox | |
# attempt to fix this issue: | |
# https://github.com/SeleniumHQ/docker-selenium/issues/91 | |
# switch to root so you can chmod the file | |
USER root |
if has('gui_running') | |
colorscheme desert | |
endif | |
set nocompatible " be iMproved, required | |
filetype off " required | |
" set the runtime path to include Vundle and initialize | |
set rtp+=~/.vim/bundle/Vundle.vim | |
call vundle#begin() |
Process: python3.4 [61957] | |
Path: /Users/USER/*/python3.4 | |
Identifier: python3.4 | |
Version: ??? | |
Code Type: X86-64 (Native) | |
Parent Process: bash [61785] | |
Responsible: iTerm [261] | |
User ID: 501 | |
Date/Time: 2015-11-10 11:26:26.552 +0200 |