You can either download compiled binary or compile it from source yourself.
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The GitHub releases page currently doesn't provide compiled binary for macOS
article, | |
aside, | |
details, | |
figcaption, | |
figure, | |
footer, | |
header, | |
hgroup, | |
nav, | |
section, |
吾有一術。名之曰「青蛙兒歌」 | |
欲行是術。必先得一物。曰「蛙數」。 | |
乃行是術曰。 | |
吾有一物。曰「蛙數」。名之曰「口」 | |
乘「蛙數」以二。名之曰「目」。 | |
乘「蛙數」以四。名之曰「足」。 | |
批曰。字符串合併 | |
加「蛙數」以「「隻青蛙」」。名之曰「言」。 | |
加「言」以「口」。名之曰「言」。 |
import requests | |
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup | |
main_url = "" | |
main_page = BeautifulSoup(requests.get(main_url).text, 'html.parser') | |
products = main_page.find_all(class_="prodNumber") | |
prod_urls = [] | |
for product in products: | |
prod_urls.append("" + product.contents[0].get('href')) |
from random import randint | |
results = [] | |
for i in range(0,6): | |
sum = 0 | |
for i in range(0,3): | |
sum += randint(2, 3) | |
results.append(sum) | |
for res in reversed(results): |
You can either download compiled binary or compile it from source yourself.
Go to
The GitHub releases page currently doesn't provide compiled binary for macOS
for svg in $(ls ./svg); do | |
filename=$(echo $svg | cut -d'.' -f1) | |
convert -background none -density 1000 -resize 1000x svg/$(echo $filename).svg png/$(echo $filename).png | |
echo [DONE] $filename converted! | |
done |
const UID = args.widgetParameter | |
if (!/^\d+$/.test(UID)) throw new Error('请提供正确的 UID') | |
let widget = createWidget(await getData(UID)) | |
if (!config.runsInWidget) { | |
await widget.presentSmall() | |
} |
const UID = 00000000 // 改为你的用户 ID | |
const COOKIE = "" // (可选,推荐设置)改为你的 cookie | |
let { title, user, image, videoUrl } = await getVideo(UID, COOKIE) | |
let widget = createWidget(title, user, videoUrl, image) | |
if (!config.runsInWidget) { | |
await widget.presentMedium() | |
} |
const PARENT_LABEL = '' | |
const LABEL_SEPARATOR = '-' | |
const LEVEL_SEPARATOR = '.' | |
const getLabelOrCreate = (labelName) => GmailApp.getUserLabelByName(labelName) || GmailApp.createLabel(labelName) | |
function labelMailsByAddress() { | |
const allTargetThreads =`label:${PARENT_LABEL} `) | |
allTargetThreads.forEach(thread => { |
tap "beeftornado/rmtree" | |
tap "homebrew/bundle" | |
tap "homebrew/cask", "" | |
tap "homebrew/cask-drivers", "" | |
tap "homebrew/cask-fonts", "" | |
tap "homebrew/cask-versions", "" | |
tap "homebrew/core", "" | |
tap "homebrew/services" | |
brew "asciinema" | |
brew "bat" |