The goal for WordPress’ Migration Assistant will be to aid in migrating any WordPress blog to a new host or simply changing the domain name of a WordPress blog.
The solution to this problem will be to create a user interface to be part of the administrative control panel where the blog admin will be able to migrate the WordPress blog or simply edit the blog URL, which will go through the current database and change the respective fields to contain the new URL. The blog admin will have two options for migration.
The first option will be to provide FTP and MySQL credentials for the new host and the migration assistant will connect to the new host and start transferring Wordpress files, uploads, plug-ins, themes, and the database; provided the connection was successful.
The second option will be to download a zip file containing the exported database and all of the Wordpress files so you can upload to the new web host and extract all the files there. (The option will also be used as a fallback in case t