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Junyan Xu alreadydone

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alreadydone / rw_spin_lock.h
Created November 15, 2018 06:53 — forked from yizhang82/rw_spin_lock.h
portable lock-free reader/writer lock for C++
class rw_spin_lock
_readers = 0;
void acquire_reader()
alreadydone / heap.cpp
Created January 5, 2019 23:19 — forked from bit-hack/heap.cpp
Generate all possible permutations of n objects.
// non-recursive version of algorythm presented here:
#include <algorithm>
#include <array>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <vector>
template <typename type_t>
alreadydone / System
Created January 12, 2019 00:25 — forked from vasanthk/System
System Design Cheatsheet

System Design Cheatsheet

Picking the right architecture = Picking the right battles + Managing trade-offs

Basic Steps

  1. Clarify and agree on the scope of the system
  • User cases (description of sequences of events that, taken together, lead to a system doing something useful)
    • Who is going to use it?
    • How are they going to use it?
alreadydone / gist:ef3f5f6e1a65f295da135f51bfe8effc
Created January 18, 2019 21:28 — forked from rxaviers/gist:7360908
Complete list of github markdown emoji markup


:bowtie: :bowtie: 😄 :smile: 😆 :laughing:
😊 :blush: 😃 :smiley: ☺️ :relaxed:
😏 :smirk: 😍 :heart_eyes: 😘 :kissing_heart:
😚 :kissing_closed_eyes: 😳 :flushed: 😌 :relieved:
😆 :satisfied: 😁 :grin: 😉 :wink:
😜 :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: 😝 :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: 😀 :grinning:
😗 :kissing: 😙 :kissing_smiling_eyes: 😛 :stuck_out_tongue:
alreadydone / choice_and_excluded_middle.lean
Last active February 19, 2023 19:07
Implications involving choice principles, extensionality / quotient exactness, excluded middle, and classical/intermediate logics in type theory.
import tactic data.setoid.basic
universes u v
def em (p) := p ∨ ¬p
def lem := ∀p, em p
def np {α : Sort u} (β : α → Sort v) := (∀ a, nonempty (β a)) → nonempty (Π a, β a)
-- [Coq] AC_trunc = axiom of choice for propositional truncations (truncation and quantification commute)
axiom nonempty_pi {α : Sort u} (β : α → Sort v) : np β
alreadydone / bicategory_functor.lean
Last active January 9, 2022 08:46
Definition of bicategory and oplax functor in terms of composition functor
import category_theory.products.associator
import category_theory.currying
namespace category_theory
universes w w₁ w₂ v v₁ v₂ u u₁ u₂
class bicategory (B : Type u) extends quiver.{v+1} B :=
(hom_category (a b : B) : category.{w} (a ⟶ b) . tactic.apply_instance)
(comp (a b c : B) : (a ⟶ b) × (b ⟶ c) ⥤ (a ⟶ c))
-- encompass `whisker_left_(id,comp), whisker_right_(id,comp), whisker_exchange (category.theory.bifunctor.diagonal)`
(associator (a b c d : B) : (comp a b c).prod (𝟭 _) ⋙ comp a c d ⟶
prod.associator _ _ _ ⋙ (𝟭 _).prod (comp b c d) ⋙ comp a b d)
alreadydone / exists_unique_prod.lean
Created January 30, 2022 15:49
∃! (xy : α × β), P xy.fst xy.snd vs. ∃! (x : α) ∃! (y : β), P x y
theorem eu_prod_imp_eu_eu {α β} (P : α → β → Prop) :
(∃! (xy : α × β), P xy.fst xy.snd) → (∃! (x : α) (y : β), P x y) :=
λ ⟨xy,he,hu⟩, ⟨xy.fst, ⟨xy.snd, he, λ y h, congr_arg prod.snd (hu (xy.fst,y) h)⟩,
λ x ⟨y,hy⟩, congr_arg prod.fst (hu (x,y) hy.1)⟩
#print axioms eu_prod_imp_eu_eu -- no axioms
def eu_eu_and_not_eu_prod {α} (P : α → α → Prop) :=
(∃! (x y : α), P x y) ∧ ¬(∃! (xy : α × α), P xy.fst xy.snd)
theorem eenep_bor : eu_eu_and_not_eu_prod (λ x y, x || y) :=
alreadydone / ideal_prod_iso.lean
Last active March 12, 2022 19:48
If I,J,K,L are ideals of a comm ring R s.t. I ≅ J and K ≅ L as R-modules, then IK ≅ JL as R-modules.
import ring_theory.ideal.operations
open submodule
variables {R M N : Type*} [comm_ring R] (I J K L : ideal R)
[add_comm_group M] [add_comm_group N] [module R M] [module R N]
{M₁ M₂ : submodule R M} (h : M₁ = M₂)
def eq.linear_map : M₁ →ₗ[R] M₂ :=
{ to_fun := λ x, ⟨x, h ▸ x.2⟩,
map_add' := λ x y, rfl,
alreadydone / ulift_functor_preserves_limits.lean
Last active March 14, 2022 04:13
The lifting functor from `Type u` to `Type (max u v)` preserves limits and colimits.
import category_theory.limits.preserves.basic
open category_theory category_theory.limits opposite
universes u v w w'
variables {J : Type w} [category.{w'} J] {F : J ⥤ Type u}
def cone_of_element {lc : cone (F ⋙ ulift_functor.{v u})} (x : lc.X) : cone F :=
{ X := punit, π :=
{ app := λ j _, (lc.π.app j x).down,
naturality' := λ i j f, by { rw ← lc.w f, refl } } }
alreadydone / ulift_functor_preserves_colimits.lean
Created March 15, 2022 03:47
Another proof that ulift_functor preserves colimits, further removed from boolean algebras.
import category_theory.limits.preserves.basic
open category_theory category_theory.limits opposite
universes u v w w'
variables {J : Type w} [category.{w'} J] (F : J ⥤ Type u)
def real_colim := quot (λ x y : (Σ j, F.obj j), ∃ f : x.1 ⟶ y.1, f x.2 = y.2)
variables {F} (c: cocone F) (lc : cocone (F ⋙ ulift_functor.{v u}))
def mk_colim (j : J) (x : F.obj j) : real_colim F := _ ⟨j,x⟩