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How I made my millions compiled emacs on an M1 running linux

First, you have to clone emacs and checkout your branch of choice (most likely a major version branch like `emacs29`). Go nuts, though, this step is half the fun of building from source.

Once you’ve done that, you have to generate a bunch of c files templatized for different operating systems:


twiddles thumbs

<<moon | ruby
phases = (0x1F311..0x1F318).to_a.collect{|c| [c].pack('U*')}
clear_line = "\r\e[0K"
500.times do |i|
phase = phases[i % phases.size]
print "#{clear_line} #{phase}\t#{500 - i}"
sleep rand / 10.0

1 Welcome to Sonic Pi

Welcome friend :-)

Welcome to Sonic Pi. Hopefully you're as excited to get started making crazy sounds as I am to show you. It's going to be a really fun ride where you'll learn all about music, synthesis, programming, composition, performance and more.

But wait, how rude of me! Let me introduce myself - I'm

#! /usr/bin/env ruby
require 'tod'
require 'tod/core_extensions'
rescue LoadError
`gem install tod`
require 'tod'
require 'tod/core_extensions'
Bb F g d g d Eb F
Bb F g d g d Eb F
Bb F g d g d Eb F
Bb Eb F d
the sharpest girl at the party house
g Eb Bb F
you laughed at all the right times
Bb Eb F d
# for reference:
require 'pp'
def quicksort(arr, from=0, to=nil)
to = arr.length-1 if to.nil?
# exit condition for recursion
return if to - from < 1
pivot_location = move_pivot_to_sorted_location(arr, from, to)