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ibeex / foo.log
Created August 4, 2012 13:46
Flask logging example
A warning occurred (42 apples)
An error occurred
jaytaylor /
Created September 6, 2012 21:41
Convert camel-case to snake-case in python.
#!/usr/bin/env python
Convert camel-case to snake-case in python.
e.g.: CamelCase -> snake_case
Relevant StackOverflow question:
magicznyleszek /
Last active January 27, 2025 14:19
CSS Selectors Cheatsheet

CSS Selectors Cheatsheet

Hi! If you see an error or something is missing (like :focus-within for few years :P) please let me know ❤️

Element selectors

Element -- selects all h2 elements on the page

h2 {
tgarc / example_usage
Last active March 25, 2022 13:44
Jekyll IPython notebook converter
ipython nbconvert --to markdown <notebook>.ipynb --config
dsal1951 / Calculate Model Lift
Created July 4, 2016 05:53
Data needed for a Lift chart (aka Gains chart) for a predictive model created using Sklearn and Matplotlib
def calc_lift(x,y,clf,bins=10):
Takes input arrays and trained SkLearn Classifier and returns a Pandas
DataFrame with the average lift generated by the model in each bin
x: Numpy array or Pandas Dataframe with shape = [n_samples, n_features]
y: A 1-d Numpy array or Pandas Series with shape = [n_samples]
benzap /
Last active February 15, 2025 09:46
Youtube to MP3 Downloader Script
#!/bin/env python
# Requires: youtube_dl module
# Requires: ffmpeg
# Usage:
# python <URL>, ...
# Example:
# python
mda590 /
Created June 8, 2018 14:07
Python script useful for stress testing systems
Produces load on all available CPU cores.
Requires system environment var STRESS_MINS to be set.
from multiprocessing import Pool
from multiprocessing import cpu_count
import time
import os
artificialsoph /
Last active February 5, 2025 07:19
Quickest way to get Jupyter notebook running on a remote server.

Log into your server with ssh, something like

ssh -i "my_secret.pem" [email protected]

If it's a new server, you'll need to install a few things.

Install conda with

from PIL import Image, ImageOps
def padding(img, expected_size):
desired_size = expected_size
delta_width = desired_size - img.size[0]
delta_height = desired_size - img.size[1]
pad_width = delta_width // 2
pad_height = delta_height // 2
padding = (pad_width, pad_height, delta_width - pad_width, delta_height - pad_height)
jdbcode /
Last active April 11, 2024 20:09
Get a list of n hex colors for a given matplotlib palette
# Source:
from pylab import *
cmap = cm.get_cmap('seismic', 5) # matplotlib color palette name, n colors
for i in range(cmap.N):
rgb = cmap(i)[:3] # will return rgba, we take only first 3 so we get rgb
cmap = cm.get_cmap('plasma', 101)