The directions below are specific to an Ubuntu 16.04 host system equipped with a GeForce GTX 550 Ti graphics card. While the process should be the same, YMMV.
- Make sure your system supports IOMMU groups
todo -- get directions from SRIOV page
The directions below are specific to an Ubuntu 16.04 host system equipped with a GeForce GTX 550 Ti graphics card. While the process should be the same, YMMV.
todo -- get directions from SRIOV page
Typically VxLAN is used to setup a point to multi-point overlay networks. However GRE also offers a similar capability which is often not heavily used. This document calls out how to setup an effient overlay mesh network to link up multiples sits together using multi point GRE tunnels.
The setup used in this case assumes there is a need to link three sites hosting three different subnets together using a simple overlay mesh network.
• Legacy pin interrupts
— For devices that use legacy methods for interrupt routing (such as either through direct wiring to the I/OxAPIC input pins, or through INTx messages), the I/OxAPIC hardware generates the interrupt-request transaction. To identify the source of interrupt requests generated by I/OxAPICs, the interrupt-remapping hardware requires each I/OxAPIC in the platform (enumerated through the ACPI Multiple APIC Descriptor Tables (MADT)) to include a unique 16-bit source-id in its requests. BIOS reports the source-id for these I/OxAPICs via ACPI
Hi if you are reading this document you may also want to create a kata Containers Release.
The Kata Containers Release Process is defined in the follwoing documents.
To simply the process of read each release we have created a checklist for it.
for table in $(echo filter nat mangle raw security); do echo $table; iptables -L -v -n --line-numbers -t $table; done | |
tcpdump -elnXXi |