See this link for an introduction on time stacking and time slicing.
requires the number of pixels wide or tall the image is to be a multiple of the number of images in your timelapse.
attempts to get around this. Some images will contribute more pixels per slice than others. This is done by making the first x%
of the images cover the first x%
of the pixels (with appropriate rounding). It does not deal with number of images being greater than the height or width of the images in pixels. Version 2 will probably work better for you.
For example, if the images are 150 pixels wide and your timelapse has 100 images, time_slice.R
will make the first image have a slice which is 51 pixels wide. The remaining 99 images will get slices which are 1 pixel wide. time_slice_v2.R
will alternate between 1 pixel per i