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Andreas Ronge andreasronge

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class Human
include Neo4j::ActiveNode
property :name
# A human can have outgoing relationships of type pets to animals
# The name of the generated accessor method will be the same as the relationship type: pets
has_many :out, :pets, type: :pets, model_class: :Animal
require 'neo4j'
class Animal
include Neo4j::ActiveNode
has_one :in, :owner, origin: :pets, model_class: Human
class Cat < Animal
property :name
has_many :out, :kittens, type: :kittens, model_class: self
has_one :in, :mother, origin: :kittens, model_class: self
# Lets find me:
me = Human.where(name: 'andreas').first
# And my posh cat:
dutchess = me.pets.where(character: 'posh').first
# And find all cat owners that have a posh cat mummy:"c.character='posh'").kittens(:k).owner.first # => me
require 'neo4j/tasks/neo4j_server'
andreasronge /
Last active October 27, 2015 18:44
Trying to improve redux architecture - cohesion and state context


Notice No implementation exist yet, see Readme Driven Development

The problem:

  • Bad cohesion - in a typical redux application it's difficult to understand how it works since it consists of many small (good !) related functions spread out in many different files and folders.
  • Bad isolation - many functions (redux's actions and react-redux's connect) uses the global redux state object. Only reducers works on subtrees of the state tree.
  • Too many level of indirections - React props referencing redux state via mapStateToProps functions, reducers references actions via strings, async action creators references redux state.
defmodule Game do
defstruct board: nil, my_position: nil, name: "", health: 0
defmodule Board do
defstruct positions: %{}, width: 0, height: 0
defmodule Snake do
defstruct id: "", positions: %{}