I hereby claim:
- I am andrewwatts on github.
- I am andrewwatts (https://keybase.io/andrewwatts) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASBM9lcs3y7LH3bb6i1xGYf4zHllnMbmvvd7SdymBZ5QLgo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
An explanation of what the service is doing and why. Any high level business logic should be mentioned here to give the reader an understanding of why the service exists in the first place.
List important endpoints/URLs and explain what they are responsible for. carpricing.consumerreports.org ",," 1422558846.854 46.379 "GET /api/v1/prices.json?callback=jQuery111003678974979557097_1422558799853&d=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 |
#!/usr/bin/env python2.7 | |
import time | |
_URL = 'http://localhost/tmp/derp.html' | |
_NUMBER = 1000 | |
def test_urllib2(): | |
import urllib2 |
class underscore_dict(dict): | |
""" | |
a dict like object that forces key to be pythonic and follow the underscore | |
convention. | |
eg:: | |
>>> d = underscore_dict(dict(myKey='my_value')) | |
>>> print d | |
'my_key': 'my_value'} |
#!/bin/bash -x | |
# disable dashboard | |
defaults write com.apple.dashboard mcx-disabled -boolean YES | |
# disable Lion window animations | |
defaults write NSGlobalDomain NSAutomaticWindowAnimationsEnabled -bool NO | |
# disable Lion key repeat behavior | |
defaults write -g ApplePressAndHoldEnabled -bool false |
# Copyright (c) 2004 Python Software Foundation. | |
# All rights reserved. | |
# Written by Eric Price <eprice at tjhsst.edu> | |
# and Facundo Batista <facundo at taniquetil.com.ar> | |
# and Raymond Hettinger <python at rcn.com> | |
# and Aahz <aahz at pobox.com> | |
# and Tim Peters | |
# This module is currently Py2.3 compatible and should be kept that way |
#!bash -x | |
mkdir -p $HOME/bin | |
pushd $HOME/bin | |
curl -fsSLO https://github.com/andrewwatts/dotfiles/raw/master/bin/git-completion.bash | |
popd | |
cat >> $HOME/.bashrc << EOF | |
# BEGIN git install from https://gist.github.com/gists/1536b5ada40498fbb768 |
""" | |
jQuery templates use constructs like: | |
{{if condition}} print something{{/if}} | |
This, of course, completely screws up Django templates, | |
because Django thinks {{ and }} mean something. | |
Wrap {% verbatim %} and {% endverbatim %} around those | |
blocks of jQuery templates and this will try its best |
#! /bin/sh | |
# hybserv Start/stop Hybserv 2 IRC Services | |
# Version: hybserv 1.8.0 17-Mar-2003 [email protected] | |
# Version: hybserv 1.9.2 05-Sep-2006 [email protected] | |
# Provides: hybserv | |
# Required-Start: $syslog ircd-hybrid | |
# Required-Stop: $syslog ircd-hybrid |