I hereby claim:
- I am andywirv on github.
- I am andywirv (https://keybase.io/andywirv) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 5A88 A465 38CB E0C7 7AF6 858B 90E4 B666 1249 2032
To claim this, I am signing this object:
alias sublime='open -a Sublime\ Text' | |
alias chrome='open -a Google\ Chrome' | |
alias established='sudo lsof -i |GREP ESTABLISHED' | |
alias docker-start="bash --login '/Applications/Docker/Docker Quickstart Terminal.app/Contents/Resources/Scripts/start.sh'" | |
alias docker-clean='docker rm -v $(docker ps -a -q -f status=exited)' | |
alias docker-rmi-untagged='docker rmi $(docker images | grep "^<none>" | awk "{print $3}")' | |
alias ldapsearch="ldapsearch -h domaincontroller_host -b 'DC=Burberry,DC=corp'" | |
export DOCKER_IP=$(docker-machine ip) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
#quotes on json, single around entire object and double on each property | |
aws lambda update-function-configuration --function-name=[lambda function name] --environment '{"Variables":{"abc":"124"}}' |
sed -i -e '88d' example.txt |
packer build template.json | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 [INFO] Packer version: 0.12.0 | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Packer Target OS/Arch: darwin amd64 | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Built with Go Version: go1.7.3 | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Detected home directory from env var: /Users/user | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Using internal plugin for parallels-iso | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Using internal plugin for vmware-vmx | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Using internal plugin for googlecompute | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Using internal plugin for qemu | |
2016/12/01 14:55:23 Using internal plugin for amazon-chroot |
sudo rbd resize -s 8000 [image] | |
#xfs | |
xfs_growfs /dev/rdb0 | |
#ext4 https://access.redhat.com/documentation/en-US/Red_Hat_Enterprise_Linux/6/html/Storage_Administration_Guide/ext4grow.html | |
sudo resize2fs /dev/rbd0 |
# N.B does not persist across reboots | |
echo " | |
rdr pass inet proto tcp from any to any port 443 -> port 8080 | |
" | sudo pfctl -ef - | |
andyirvine$ aws ec2 describe-network-interfaces --filters "Name=description,Values=[ELB Interface description]" |jq '.NetworkInterfaces[] .PrivateIpAddress' |
output "SSH Config" { | |
value = <<SSHCONFIG | |
### START Auto-gen SSH Config for ${random_pet.cluster_id.id} ### | |
Host ${random_pet.cluster_id.id}-bastion | |
User core | |
Hostname ${aws_instance.bastion.public_ip} | |
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/${random_pet.cluster_id.id}.key | |
Host ${random_pet.cluster_id.id}-agent |
Host tunnel | |
Hostname [host_with_access] | |
ProxyJump [bastion_host] | |
LocalForward [local_port] [remote_host]:[remote_port] | |
#Start tunnel with ssh -N tunnel |