I hereby claim:
- I am ann-kilzer on github.
- I am catbacon (https://keybase.io/catbacon) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASCmpZ_ej0LXxk8hkN7FiG0P4HXbKdm3lVFtIcmtXOdZoQo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
pragma solidity ^0.5.0; | |
contract StampRally { | |
uint8 public numStamps; // number of Stamps in the game | |
string public name; // name of the Stamp Rally | |
address public owner; // Ownership for the game manager of the contract | |
// A StampKey keeps track of every stamp in the game | |
struct StampKey { | |
// The hashedPassphrase keeps the keccak256 encoded passphrase |
<template> | |
<v-form @submit.prevent="handleSubmit"> | |
<two-button-modal | |
title="Send a message" | |
@cancel="$emit('cancel')" | |
> | |
<v-text-field | |
v-model="form.name" | |
label="Your Name" | |
/> |
<!--dummy form so netlify knows what's coming--> | |
<form name="contact-speaker" netlify netlify-honeypot="bot-field" hidden> | |
<input type="text" name="name" /> | |
<input type="text" name="email" /> | |
<textarea name="message"></textarea> | |
<input type="text" name="speaker" /> | |
</form> |
<template> | |
<form | |
name="contact-speaker" | |
method="POST" | |
data-netlify="true" | |
data-netlify-honeypot="bot-field" | |
@submit.prevent="handleSubmit" | |
> | |
<input | |
type="hidden" |
// custom vuelidate validator to ensure input is Japanese | |
// inspired by https://stackoverflow.com/questions/15033196/using-javascript-to-check-whether-a-string-contains-japanese-characters-includi | |
const japanese = (value) => { | |
const jaRegex = /^[\u3000-\u303f\u3040-\u309f\u30a0-\u30ff\uff00-\uff9f\u4e00-\u9faf\u3400-\u4dbf]*$/; | |
return jaRegex.test(value); | |
}; | |
export default japanese; |
import { expect } from 'chai'; | |
import japanese from '@/validators/japanese'; | |
describe('japanese.js', () => { | |
it('accepts Hiragana', () => { | |
expect(japanese('すごいですね!わたしはねこです。')).to.be.true; | |
}); | |
it('accepts Katakana', () => { | |
expect(japanese('チーズバーガートネコ!')).to.be.true; | |
}); |
<template> | |
<v-form | |
@submit.prevent="handleSubmit" | |
> | |
<name-input | |
v-model="form.speakerName" | |
:english-errors="englishErrors" | |
:japanese-errors="japaneseErrors" | |
@touch-english="$v.form.speakerName.english.$touch()" | |
@touch-japanese="$v.form.speakerName.japanese.$touch()" |
✨ How to make your hiring more inclusive ✨ | |
The Job Listing: | |
- Keep requirements list short, and focus on what's actually a requirement vs. nice-to-have | |
- "while men are likely to apply to jobs for which they meet only 60% of the qualifications, women are much more likely to hesitate unless they meet 100% of the listed requirements." [3] | |
- Avoid masculine-coded jargon like "Ninja," "rockstar," "hacker", "dominate" [3] | |
- Analyze language with online tools: | |
- https://textio.com/products/ | |
- http://gender-decoder.katmatfield.com/ | |
- Avoid corporate-speak and jargon |