AB_AFTER=Later AB_AN_ALL_PRODUCTS=All means of transport AB_AN_KEIN=No AB_AN_NO_PRODUCTS=No means of transport AB_AN_NUR=Only ACCEPT=Accept ALL_BUS=All busses ALL_TRAIN=All trains AN_AB_ABFAHRTEN=Departures AN_AB_ANKUNFT=Arrivals AN_AB_CAL_HEUTE=Today AN_AB_CAL_MORGEN=Tomorrow AN_AB_CREATE=Create AN_AB_CREATE_HELP=Create departure table AN_AB_DIRECTION=Direction AN_AB_DIRECTION_HELP=Enter intermediate stop AN_AB_EINST=Settings for departure board AN_AB_NEW_TAFEL=New table AN_AB_NEW_TAFEL_HELP=Create departure table AN_AB_RESET_DIRECTION=Reset direction AN_AB_RESET_PRODUCTS=Reset means of transport AN_AB_RESET_TEXT=Reset name of trip AN_AB_TEXT=Name of trip AN_AB_TEXT_HELP=e.g. Bus 100 or EC AN_AB_TIM_NOW=Now AN_AB_TIM_SETTIME=Later AN_AB_WIRKLICH_LOESCHEN=Do you really want to delete the departures table? AN_AFTER=Later ANAB_AFTER=Later departures ANAB_BEFORE=Earlier departures ANAB_CHANGE=Change query ANAB_HELP=for current station ANAB_LOC_HELP=Use for departure table ANAB_TITLE1=Timetable ANAB_TITLE=Timetable ANAB_TITLE_HELP=Departures and arrivals at train stations and stops ARRIVAL=Arrival ARRIVAL_PL=Arrivals ASK_DELETE_ALL_STATIONS=Delete all locations? All timetables/departure tables will be deleted as well ASK_QUIT=Do you really want to quit the application? AW_ABORTPASSIV=Abort process... AW_INTVERB=Do you want to connect to the Internet? AW_MOMENT=Please wait AW_TITLE=Please wait... CAL_DATE=Date CAL_FAHRT=Journey CAL_GESTERN=Yesterday CAL_HEUTE=Today CAL_MORGEN=Tomorrow CAL_NOSAVED=Footway cannot be saved in calendar CAL_PIM_FEHLER=An error occurs while saving CAL_SAVED=Calendar entry successfully saved CAL_SHOW=Continue CAL_SHOW_HELP=Show selected time CAL_TIME=Time CAL_TIMEDATE=Time CAL_TIMEZONE=Please verify if the time is correctly taken into the calendar (reason: in some mobile phones, the presentation of the date is incorrectly implemented during the summer/winter time change). CALL_P2W=Make available offline CANCELLED=Trip cancellation. CAP_ERROR=Error CAP_HINT=Information CAP_INFO=Info CAP_RUNS=Days of operation CAP_STATISTIK=Statistics CAP_WARN=Warning CLICK_TO_BUY=Buy ticket CMD_ABORT=Cancel CMD_ALLSTOPOVER_AUS=Collapse CMD_ALLSTOPOVER_EIN=Expand CMD_ASSUME=Request CMD_BACK=Back CMD_CHOOSE=Choose CMD_CONTINUE=Continue CMD_CR_BACKCON=Opposite direction CMD_CR_UPDATE=Update CMD_CR_UPDATEALL=Update all CMD_DELETE=Delete CMD_DELETEALL=Delete all CMD_DELETEOUTOFDATE=Delete out-of-date CMD_DEST=Sort destination CMD_DETAIL=Details CMD_DOUBLE_LISTE=Two-line list CMD_ECHTINF=Refresh CMD_EDIT=Change CMD_EMAIL=Send as E-Mail CMD_FAHRPLAN=Timetable CMD_FAVORITE=Save as favorite CMD_GPS=GPS CMD_INFO=Info CMD_LINE_FILTER=Livemap settings CMD_LINE_SEARCH=Find station CMD_LINFO_DELETE=Delete map CMD_LINFO_DELETEALL=Delete all maps CMD_MARKFAV=Mark CMD_NEWTIME=Choose time CMD_NO=No CMD_OK=OK CMD_OPTION=Options CMD_OVERVIEW=Overview CMD_PACK_SYNC=Update package list CMD_QUIT=Quit TUTORIAL_CMD=Tutorial CMD_RESET=Delete input CMD_RUNS=Days of operation CMD_SAVE=Save CMD_SAVE_CALEN=Save in calendar CMD_SAVETIME=Remember time CMD_SEARCH_ONLINE=Search online CMD_SHORTCUT=Create shortcut CMD_SHOWPRICE=Do you want to retrieve prices? CMD_SINGLE_LISTE=One-line list CMD_SMS=Send as SMS CMD_START=Sort start CMD_STOPOVER_AUS=Hide intermediate stops CMD_STOPOVER_EIN=Show intermediate stops CMD_STOPOVER_UPD=Load intermediate stops CMD_SYNC=Synchronize CMD_TICKER=Ticker CMD_TIME=Sort usage CMD_TRIPBOX=Add to Tripbox CMD_TWITTER=Twitter CMD_VERIFY=Add CMD_WAP=Online Ticket CMD_YES=Yes CMD_ZOOM=Zoom in CMD_ZOOMOUT=Zoom out CNF_ALWAYSRT=Enquiry always online or offline CNF_ASK_INET_LNG=Change the program language. CNF_ASK_RESET=Delete all data saved in the program? CNF_AW_OFF=OFF CNF_AW_ON=ON CNF_AW_ONOFF=Message before connecting to the internet? CNF_BBCONNECT=Choose type of network transport CNF_BES=BlackBerry Enterprise Server (BES) CNF_BIS=BlackBerry Internet Service Browsing (BIS-B) CNF_CAP=Settings CNF_DEFAULT=Default settings CNF_DOWNLOAD=Download statistics CNF_DOWNLOAD_TEXT1=Since CNF_DOWNLOAD_TEXT2=until now you have downloaded CNF_DOWNLOAD_TEXT3=and uploaded CNF_DOWNLOAD_TEXT4=.\nThe total quantity of data transferred is CNF_DOWNLOAD_TEXT5=.\nReset counters? CNF_FONT=Font size CNF_GPS=GPS settings CNF_GPS_HELP=Configure settings CNF_HOMELOC=Take me home address CNF_INTERNET=Change internet settings CNF_LANG=Language CNF_LANG_CURRENT=English CNF_LANG_KEY3=eng CNF_LANG_KEY2=en CNF_LANG_KEY=e CNF_LANG_RESTART=In order to reset the language in the queries, you have to restart the application. Would you like to stop the program now? CNF_LARGE=large CNF_MAP=Map size CNF_MEDIUM=medium CNF_MYHAFAS=myHAFAS CNF_MYHAFAS_HELP=Manage access data CNF_PIMOFF=Fix calendar time skew CNF_PIMOFF_HELP=Set the phone specific time offset CNF_RELDELETE=Delete saved connections CNF_RELDELETE_HELP=Deletes all connections cached on the device CNF_RELOAD_CFG=Update the configuration CNF_RELOAD_CFG_HELP=Update the program configuration via Internet CNF_RELOAD_FFMT_ERROR=Configuration empty. Please reset the program under menu settings. CNF_RELOAD_SUCCESS=Configuration updated. CNF_RESET=Restore default settings CNF_RESET_HELP=Delete data and reset configuration CNF_RT_OFF=Offline (without real-time) CNF_RT_ON=Online (with real-time) CNF_SMALL=small CNF_TCP=Direct TCP (APN settings are necessary) CNF_TCP_WLAN=WLAN if available, otherwise Direct TCP CNF_TILESTORE=Map cache CNF_TILESTORE_HELP=Set cache size for maps CNF_TIMEZONE=Information time CNF_TIMEZONE_HELP=Set the request time CON_AFTER=Later CON_BEFORE=Earlier CON_DET=Suggested trip CONN_REQ_HINT_P2W_1=Searching for the next connections. \nThe complete timetable for this route can CONN_REQ_HINT_P2W_2=be stored using the "Download timetable" function. CONNECTION_REF_TRAIN_ARR=Departures: for %s, arr. %s CORE_NO_CONNECTIONS=No connection was found in the offline data CORE_NO_CONNECTIONS_ASK_ONLINE=No connection was found in the offline data. Would you like to search online for connections? CORE_OFFLINE_DATA=Offline data CORE_PLAN_DIR=Timetable directory CORE_PLAN_DIR_EXISTS=Does the directory exist: CORE_PLAN_MISSING=No offline timetable could be found. CORE_PROGRESS_CONNECTIONS=Search connections CORE_PROGRESS_STATIONS=Search stations CORE_PROGRESS_STOPS=Load stops CORE_VERSION_DATA_RELEASE=As of CORE_VERSION_KERNEL=Kernel version CORE_VERSION_POOLS=Timetable code CORE_VERSION_SCHEDULE_DURATION=Schedule duration CP2W_ASK_INET=Request is sent to the server. CP2W_ASK_INET_UPDALL=Requests are sent to the server. CP2W_BECALCED=The timetable is currently calculated. CP2W_CAP_ERR_HTTP=Server error CP2W_ERR_HTTP=The server reports the following error: CP2W_ERR_SRV=Request to server failed. CP2W_VALID_MSG_1=The timetable is available CP2W_VALID_MSG_1P=The timetables are available CP2W_VALID_MSG_2=. CR_CALC=Calculate CR_INTERNET=Sends the request to the server. CR_LESS=Options CR_LINIEN=Lines CR_MORE=Options CR_PROD=Means of transport CR_PROD_TITLE=Means of transport CR_PRODRESET=Reset means of transport CR_RMS=Save CR_SEARCH=Search CR_SEARCH_OFFLINE=Search offline CR_SEARCH_ONLINE=Search online CR_SHOW=Show CR_START=From CR_TITEL=Planner CR_TITEL_HELP=Find connections CR_UNVOLLST=The input is incomplete CR_VIA=Via CR_VKR=Means of transport CR_VPROD=Limited means of transport CR_VWASK=Do you want to recalculate the chosen timetable using the selected means of transport? CR_VWTEXT=Changes are valid only for new calculations CR_ZIEL=To CREATE_NEW_CONN=Create new timetable CT_TITLE=Ticker CURPOS_SAVE=Add current position as location CURRENT_TRIP=Current trip DEFINITTEXT=- DEPARTURE=Departure DEPARTURE_PL=Departures DET_1MIN=minute DET_FAHRT=Journey details DET_FOOTPATH=Footwalk details DET_FUSSWEG=walk DET_LOCATION=Location information DET_MIN=minutes DET_SHORT=Connection details DET_SHOW_MAP=Show map ... DET_STAND=from DET_UEBERG=Transfer DEV=the device DIRECT_CONNECTIONS=Current direct connections DIRECTCONNECTION=Direct connections UNSHARP_SEARCH=allow alternative stops for start and/or destination ERR_HC_DATA=Data problem; you need a new client program:\n ERR_HC_NOMEMORY=Not enough memory available. ERR_INIT_COLORS=Color resources cannot be loaded. ERR_START_CANVAS=Canvas problem:\n EXPORT=Export EXPORT_SHORT_FROM=Journey from EXPORT_SHORT_TO=to EXPORT_SHORT_VIA_1=change in EXPORT_SHORT_VIA_N=in EXPORT_SHORT_AB=dep: EXPORT_SHORT_AN=arr: EXPORT_SHORT_GLEIS=pl: FAHRRAD=Bicycle carriage required FAV_DESCR_ADD=To add favorites press the star-symbol while watching a connection or the history. The connection will be added as favorite then. FAV_DESCR_CARD=Available offline FAV_DESCR_MARK=Marked favorites are shown at the top of the list. The amount of marked favorites is unlimited. Press long to mark FAV_DESCR_MARK_OFF=Connection was marked as not important FAV_DESCR_MARK_ON=Favorite FAV_DESCR_MARK_ON_J2ME=Connection was marked as important. This is possible via the command "Mark" in the menu/options. FAV_DESCR_SYNC=Full timetable is being calculated FAV_DESCR_UNMARK=Unmarked favorites represent the last connections searched. FAV_OFF=Removed from favorites FAV_ON=Added to favorites FAVORITEN=Favorites and History FAVORITEN_HELP=Saved connections FAVORITEN_TITLE=Favorites FONT0=small FONT1=medium FONT2=large FOOTP_LOAD=Please wait FOOTP_NOTAVAIL=No walking route available FOOTP_NOTYET=Footway description not available yet. Please synchronize once. FOOTWALK_ERR=Error loading the pedestrian route FOR=for FROM=from GPS_ACT=activated GPS_BT=API Bluetooth GPS_COM=COM Port GPS_DEV_LIST=Devices in the area: GPS_EINST_DEL=All GPS settings will be deleted. Would you like to continue? GPS_EINST_SET=The location service is unable to determine your current position. Do you want to change your device settings regarding locations? GPS_LAST=(last position) GPS_LOC=API location GPS_MAP_NEAR=Map search GPS_MAP_NEAR_HELP=Show POI, stops on the map GPS_NAME=Name GPS_NEAR=Locations in the area GPS_NEAR_HELP=Locations nearby GPS_NEAR_STATIONS=Stations in the area GPS_NOT_POSSIBLE=The location service is unable to determine your current position. Please change your device settings regarding locations or try again later. GPS_PORTS_LIST=Available ports: GPS_POS=Current position GPS_PROC=Search for coordinates GPS_RADAR=Direction GPS_RADAR_HELP=GPS and compass supported location of position GPS_RADAR_LANDSCAPE=Only available in upright format GPS_ST_BUILDCON=Connect to device GPS_ST_CONERR1=No connection with GPS_ST_CONERR2=possible GPS_ST_DEVERR=Device is unsuitable GPS_ST_DEVSEARCH=Device search... GPS_ST_KOORAVAIL=Coordinates available GPS_ST_KOORSEARCH=Search for coordinates GPS_ST_NODEV=No device found GPS_ST_NOT_AVAIL=Not supported GPS_STATE_BT_AUS=Is Bluetooth switched on? GPS_TYPE_SAVE=Your GPS settings have been saved successfully GPS_UNK=Deactivated GPS_VONPOS=from current position HAFAS_ERR_390=Departure/Arrival replaced by an equivalent station. HAFAS_ERR_410=Display may be incomplete due to change of timetable. HAFAS_ERR_455=Prolonged stop. HAFAS_ERR_460=Station passed through multiple times. HAFAS_ERR_480=Geocoding warning HAFAS_ERR_481=Geocoding warning at start HAFAS_ERR_482=Geocoding warning at destination HAFAS_ERR_500=Because of too many trains the connection is not complete. HAFAS_ERR_888=You requested more connections then the server was able to get back. Please make following scrollrequest to get missing connections. HAFAS_ERR_889=Too many connections found. Please make following scrollrequest to get missing connections. HAFAS_ERR_890=No or less connections found than expected. HAFAS_ERR_891=No route found (try entering an intermediate station). HAFAS_ERR_892=Request too complex (try entering less intermediate stations). HAFAS_ERR_895=Departure/Arrival are too near. HAFAS_ERR_899=No connections found; at least one station doesn't exist in the requested timetable pool HAFAS_ERR_900=Unsuccessful or incomplete search (timetable change). HAFAS_ERR_901=All connections are too irregular. HAFAS_ERR_9220=Nearby to the given address stations could not be found. HAFAS_ERR_9230=System overflow. HAFAS_ERR_9240=Internal error. HAFAS_ERR_9250=Part request interrupted. HAFAS_ERR_9260=Departure station does not exist. HAFAS_ERR_9280=Intermediate station does not exist. HAFAS_ERR_9300=Arrival station does not exist. HAFAS_ERR_9320=The input is incorrect or incomplete. HAFAS_ERR_9360=Date outside of the timetable period. HAFAS_ERR_9380=Departure/Arrival/Intermediate or equivalent stations defined more than once. HAFAS_ERR_9400=Unknown station while blocking trains. HAFAS_INFO_ABOUT=All information is issued without liability.<br><br>(C) 2015 HaCon Ingenieurgesellschaft mbH HAFAS_INFO_FIRST=--- HAFAS_INFO_RESET=The version of the data doesn't match the current program version. All previously saved data was erased from the system! HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR=Internal server error HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_1=No connection found HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_2=Internal server error (error code 2) HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_3=Calculated timetables are stored only a limited time. This has already been deleted again. HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_4=Internal server error (error code 4) HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_5=Internal server error (error code 5) HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_6=Interner server error (server down) HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_7=Currently there is no data available for the next timetable period. HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_8=You have selected a date after the end or before the start of the timetable period HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_9=Dear customer,\ndep./arr./intermed. or equivalent stations are identical or defined more than once.\nPlease try again with modified request parameters. HAFAS_SERVER_ERROR_10=The departure/arrival you have entered are too close to each other.\nPlease try again with modified request parameters. OUTSIDE_FP_PEROID=You have selected a date after the end or before the start of the timetable period HAS_RTINFO=There is realtime information available. HINT_TOO_MANY_ELEMENTS=Hint: Because of too many trains the connection is not complete HISTORY=History HISTORY_SHOW=History HISTORY_DESCR_ADD=To add something to the history, search a connection. It will be added to the history list then. INET_ERR_10=Server not sending status message. Are you using the correct access point? (10) INET_ERR_11=Error while setting http parameter(11) INET_ERR_12=Error opening connection(12) INET_ERR_13=Error sending files(13) INET_ERR_14=Error receiving files(14) INET_ERR_15=Error synchronizing received files. Please try again. (15) INET_ERR_16=The requested files are too large to be saved on this mobile device. Please use the filter to reduce the volume of data. (16) INET_ERR_17=Certificate error. (17) INET_ERR_18=Your device is not online. Please establish the internet connection and try again. (18) INET_ERR_1=Error opening connection. Please check your TCP/APN settings. (1) INET_ERR_2=Error while sending data(2) INET_ERR_3=Error while preparing data reception(3) INET_ERR_4=Error while receiving data length(4) INET_ERR_5=Error while receiving data(5) INET_ERR_6=Error - length of received data does not match(6) INET_ERR_7=Error while receiving data(7) INET_ERR_8=Aborted(8) INET_ERR_9=Error while redirecting(9) INET_ERR_PRE=Error during data transmission: INET_SEARCH=Searching for connections INET_SEARCH_TABLE_DEP=Searching for departures INET_SEARCH_TABLE_ARR=Searching for arrivals INET_SEARCH_LINERUN=Searching INET_SEARCH_REFRESH=Updating realtime INFO_ABOUT=about INT_DATSEP=. INT_MON10=Oct INT_MON11=Nov INT_MON12=Dec INT_MON1=Jan INT_MON2=Feb INT_MON3=Mar INT_MON4=Apr INT_MON5=May INT_MON6=Jun INT_MON7=Jul INT_MON8=Aug INT_MON9=Sep INT_WE0=Mo INT_WE1=Tu INT_WE2=We INT_WE3=Th INT_WE4=Fr INT_WE5=Sa INT_WE6=Su INT_ZEITSEP=: LAGEPLAN_NOT_AVAIL=No position map available for this location LANG_NAME_OS=Standard LEGEND=Legend LFA_ABBREVIATIONS_MESSAGE=Use license numbers and airport codes for quick location input. LFA_ABBREVIATIONS_TITLE=Abbreviations LINFO_ASK_DELETE=Delete info for this location? LINFO_ASK_DELETEALL=Delete info for all locations? LINFO_END=Destination LINFO_INFO=Information LINFO_INFO_MSG=No data available at the moment. LINFO_MAP=Surrounding map LINFO_MAP_HELP=Retrieve city map LINFO_NAVIGATION=Navigation LINFO_NAVIGATION_HELP=to %s with external App LINFO_NVORH=Not available. Online access necessary! LINFO_PLAN=Plan of site LINFO_PLAN_HELP=Call up station position map LINFO_PLAN_MSG=No data available at the moment. LINFO_SE_HELP=Use for itinerary request LINFO_START=Start LINFO_VORH=Available LIST_INIT=No entry available. LOC_ADDRESS=Address LOC_ALLTYPE=All LOC_CURRENT=Current position LOC_POI=POI LOC_STATION=Station LOCATING_INACCURATE=Inexact positioning LOCATING_UNKNOWN=Current position unknown LV_ASK_LOAD1=Add " LV_ASK_LOAD2=" to the list of known locations? LV_ASK_VERIFY=Your input is being verified. LV_ERR_OUTPUTEMPTY=No entry found. LVL_CAP=Select location MAP_ASK_INET=The surrounding map must be loaded. MAP_DEL=Delete Map MAP_ERR_ERRCODE=Error loading map MAP_ERR_INTERPR=Could not read map MAP_ERR_MEM=Memory error. MAP_ERR_NOMAP=The map is not available. MAP_ERR_NOMEM=Not enough memory available. MAP_ERR_NOT_AVAIL=Map not available MAP_ERR_SHOW=The map cannot be displayed. MAP_ERR_UNKNWN=Unknown error loading map MAP_MAP=Map MAP_MAP_FOCUS=Focus on map MAP_TEXT=Text MAP_TEXT_FOCUS=Focus on text MAP_TEXT_MAP=Text+Map MAP_TITLE=Map MAP_TRACK_DEL=Delete tracking MAP_TRACK_OFF=Tracking off MAP_TRACK_ON=Tracking on MAP_VERIFY_POI=Verify POI MAP_ZOOM=Zoom MENU_EXIT=Close MENU_EXT=More MORE_CONS=More connections MYFAFAS_AUTOMATIC=synchronizing MYHAFAS_CONFIG=myHAFAS configuration MYHAFAS_PASSWORD=Password MYHAFAS_SYNC=myHAFAS synchronization MYHAFAS_UPDATE_MODE=Match with myHAFAS MYHAFAS_USERNAME=User NAVIGATION_START=Navigation start NAVIGATION_TARGET=Navigation target NEAR_START=Distance to Start NEAR_TARGET=Distance to Destination NEWS_FEED=News Feed NEWS_FEED_HM=News NEWS_FEED_HM_HELP=News, information NEWS_FEED_INET_ACCESS=Data is being retrieved from timetable server. NO_PROD_WARN=No means of transport selected. NO_TRAININFO=No line information available NO_VT_INFO=No information about days of service available NOT_ASK=Do not ask again ONLINE=Online OFFLINE=Offline OFFLINE_SEARCH=Offline Search ORTUNG=Locating OV_FUSSWEG=Footwalk only OV_HEAD_AB=Dep OV_HEAD_AN=Arr OV_HEAD_ANDIR=From OV_HEAD_DAUER=Dur OV_HEAD_DIR=Towards OV_HEAD_NR=No OV_HEAD_PROD=Means of transport OV_HEAD_UM=Ch OV_MIN=min. OV_NOFOUND=No connections found. OV_NOMORE=No more connections found. OV_SHORT=Routes OV_UM=Ch. PACK_ASK_DOWNLOAD_MULTIPLE=Packages selected for download. PACK_ASK_DOWNLOAD_SINGLE=Package selected for download. PACK_ASK_SYNC=Loading of package list. PACK_ERR_RELOAD=Please try again. PACK_MEN=Ready-made packages PLATF=Platf. PLATF_CHANGE=Note: platform change PLATF_SHORT=Pl. POI_FORM_TITLE=POI and stops POI_FORM_WARN=Details incomplete. POI_LOADING=Loading data… POI_ST=Stations/stops PRICE_ERROR=Error while retrieving prices PRICE_INFO=Retrieve price PRINT_CONN=Print RELIEF=There is additional extra trip %s. RELIEF_FOR=Additional trip for %s REPLACE=For %s an alternate trip %s between %s and %s. REPLACE_SHORT=There is alternate trip %s REPLACE_IS_SHORT=Alternate trip for %s REPLACE_TRAIN=Alternate trip RELIEF_TRAIN=Additional trip REQ_CONF=Settings REQ_CONF_HELP=Language, stats,... REQ_HOME=Take me Home REQ_HOME_HELP=Go to home location REQ_INFO=About REQ_INFO_HELP=Information and Help REQ_LIST_TITLE=Downloads REQ_LOCAL=Nearby REQ_LOCAL_HELP=Stations nearby, Maps, ... REQ_PACK=Packages REQ_PACK_HELP=Ready-made data packages REQ_SYNC=Make available offline REQ_SYNC_HELP=Sync pending data with server REQ_SYNC_MULTIPLE=Download timetables REQ_TITLE=Main menu RESET=Reset RL_ASK_DELETE1=Is the timetable " RL_ASK_DELETE2=" to be deleted? RL_ASK_DELETEALL=Are all the timetables to be deleted? RL_ASK_DELETEOUTOFDATE=Are expired timetables to be deleted? RL_ASK_LOAD1=This timetable has already expired: " RL_ASK_LOAD2=". To download the timetable again select "Update", to open the timetable select "Continue". RL_INFO_ANZVERB=Number of connections: RL_INFO_ERST.AM=Created on: RL_INFO_PLANKEN=Timetable ID: RL_NOPLAN=Plan data could not be read. RL_NOREL=No timetable available. RL_NUMCONN=Conn. RL_REL=Timetables RL_REL_HELP=Created connections RL_UPDALL_CURRENT=For current timetable period RL_UPDALL_NEXT=For next timetable period ROUTE=Whole connection RSS_ABBESTELLEN=Unsubscribe RSS_ABBESTELLEN_HELP=Here you can unsubscribe from the channel RSS_ABONNIEREN=Subscribe RSS_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBE_FRAGE=Would you like to subscribe to this channel? RSS_CHANNEL_SUBSCRIBED=Subscribed RSS_CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBE_FRAGE=Would you like to unsubscribe from this channel? RSS_CHANNEL_UNSUBSCRIBED=Not subscribed RSS_ERR_RSS_LIST=News channels list not found RSS_ERR_RSS_LIST_PARSE=Error(s) in news channels list RSS_ERR_RSS_PARSE=Unable to read news channel RSS_MARK_ALL_READED=All read RSS_OPEN_LINK=Open Link RSS_UPDATE_CHANNELS_HELP=Searching for new RSS feeds and news RSS_UPDATE_NEWS_HELP=Searching for news updates RT_ASK_INET=The real-time information must be loaded. RT_CANCEL=Cancelled RT_CANCEL_STOP=Stop cancelled RT_DELAY=Delays expected. RT_GEFINFO=Traffic information: RT_HASALT=Alternative connection available RT_HIM_0=No traffic information found RT_HIM_1=New traffic information found RT_HIMINFO=Rail traffic information RT_INTIME=Connection is on time. RT_ISALT=Alternative connection RT_MSG_0=No delays found RT_MSG_1=No delays found RT_MSG_2=New delays found RT_MSG_3=New trip cancellations found RT_NOINFO=No real-time information found. RT_TOLATE=Due to delays a connecting service may not be reachable RT_TOLATE_DET=Due to delays on this service you might miss your connection RT_HIM_LEGENDE=Traffic information are available. SCROLL_MAX_REACHED=The maximum amount of connections has been reached. Please search again with an new time. SE_ERR_INPUTEMPTY=Please enter the name of the location. SE_INPUT_LOCATION=Location name SE_INPUT_STATION=Station name SE_INPUT_TYP=Type SE_TITLE=New location SE_TITLE_H=New stop SE_TITLE_S=Starting point SE_TITLE_T=Destination SELL_CONN=Sell SHE_CAPTION=Name SHE_DEFAULT=Search shortcut SHE_ERR_INPUTEMPTY=Please type in a name for your shortcut. SHE_HINT=Connection or departure tables you are using regularly can be placed as a shortcut directly on your home screen. SHE_SEARCH_HEAD=Search options SHE_SEARCH_HINT=Do you want to search immediately when using the shortcut or do you want to setup your search further e.g. with product choices? SHE_SEARCH=Always begin request automatically SHE_SEND=Add shortcut SHE_TIME_HEAD=Date and time SHE_TIME_HINT=Do you want to use always the current time or the time of creation for this shortcut? SHE_TIME=Always use current time SHE_TITLE=Name shortcut SHF_DESCR=Please choose a favorite for the home screen. SL_ASK_DELETE1=Is the location " SL_ASK_DELETE2=" to be deleted? SL_ASK_DELETEDEP=There are timetables which include this location. These will also be deleted. SL_ASK_EDIT1=" by " SL_ASK_EDIT2=" to be replaced? SL_CAPTION=Select previous entries: SL_CHOOSE_DIR=Select direction SL_CHOOSE_STARTSTATION=Select starting point SL_CHOOSE_TARGSTATION=Select destination SL_CHOOSESTATION=Select location SL_CURRENT=Use current position SL_EDIT_NAME_WARN1=The location " SL_EDIT_NAME_WARN2=" already exists. Please select an other name. SL_EDIT_WARN1=There are timetables / departure tables which contain this location. They will be deleted and must be generated again SL_EDIT_WARN2=, when the location is edited. SL_INIT=Press OK to enter a new location. SL_INPUT_INIT_HELP=Your input SL_NEARCURRENT=Nearby stations SLV_FROM_HINT=From: Station, address, ... SLV_FROM_HINT_MT=Choose start SLV_TO_HINT=To: Station, address, ... SLV_TO_HINT_MT=Choose destination SLV_VIA_HINT=Choose Via station SLV_STATION_HINT=station SLV_DIR_HINT=direction SLV_HOME_HINT=My home: Station, address, ... ST_INFO=Station information ST_INFO_HELP=Retrieve additional information STOPOVER_ERR=Error loading intermediate stops SWITCH_MAPMODE=Map/Satellite SYNC_1=This is a Demo version. Only one route at a time can be saved. A route has already been saved. SYNC_365=Loading complete timetable SYNC_ABORTED=Synchronization aborted by the user. SYNC_ASK_SYNC=Synchronization is getting started. SYNC_CAP_DOWNLOAD_ERROR=Download failed SYNC_CAP_NOT_READY=Data are still not available. SYNC_CAP_RMS_ERR=RMS Store Error SYNC_CAP_SRV_ERR=Server message SYNC_CAP_SUCCESS=Download successful SYNC_CAP_SUMMARY=Download summary SYNC_INVALID=Invalid answer from server. SYNC_KLICK=Click on the desired timetable to download it SYNC_NODATA=Answer from server is empty. SYNC_NORESP=No response from server. SYNC_NOTYET=Please try again later. SYNC_TOOMUCH_ERR=The requested files are too large to be saved on this mobile device. Please use the filter to reduce the volume of data. TA_CR_AN_AB=Arrivals/Departures TF_CHKTIME=Check the current time TF_DATZEIT=Enter date and time TF_ZEIT=Enter Time TIC_SHORT=Ticker TICKET_CLASS=Class TICKET_CLASS_1=1st Class TICKET_CLASS_2=2nd Class TICKET_ENTER_PROFILE=Traveller Profile TICKET_ENTER_PROFILE_HELP=for the mobile ticket TICKET_LOGIN_HINT=If you save your bahn.de user name and password, you will be automatically logged out after booking your mobile ticket. TICKET_PASSWD_CLEARTXT=Show password TICKET_PASSWORD=Password (optional) TICKET_PROFILE_DECSR=In order to make booking your mobile ticket easier, you can save your passenger profile. TICKET_REDUCTION_0=without BahnCard TICKET_REDUCTION_1=BahnCard 25 (1st Class) TICKET_REDUCTION_2=BahnCard 25 (2nd Class) TICKET_REDUCTION_3=BahnCard 50 (1st Class) TICKET_REDUCTION_4=BahnCard 50 (2nd Class) TICKET_TRAVELLER=Passenger TICKET_TRAVELLER_TYPE_0=- TICKET_TRAVELLER_TYPE_1=Adult TICKET_TRAVELLER_TYPE_2=Child (6-14 years) TICKET_TRAVELLER_TYPE_3=Child (0-5 years) TICKET_TRAVELLER_TYPE_1_PL=Adults TICKET_TRAVELLER_TYPE_2_PL=Children (6-14 years) TICKET_TRAVELLER_TYPE_3_PL=Children (0-5 years) TICKET_USERNAME=User name bahn.de TICKET_USERNAME_HINT=If you only save your user name, it will be shown once you log in. TILE_ERR_LOAD=Error loading tile TILE_ERR_NOT_AVAIL=Tile not available TILE_ERR_UNKNWN=Unknown error loading map tile TIM_1MIN=minute TIM_1STD=hour TIM_CA=ca. TIM_CMD_ERASE=Delete time TIM_CMD_ERASEALL=Delete all times TIM_IN_CA=in approx. TIM_MIN=minutes TIM_NOW=Now TIM_NOW_HELP=Start now TIM_SETTIME=Later TIM_STD=hours TIM_TITLE=Select time TMH_HOME_SELECT=Home address TO=to TO_CR=Plan trip TOAST_FORCE_OFFLINE=Because there is no internet connection, an offline search is performed TRAIN_AUS=Hide line run TRAIN_EIN=Show line run TRAIN_INFO=Line details UPD_ASK_UPDATE=New version found. Is the version to be updated? UPD_NOVERSION=No version found. UPD_OKVERSION=You are now using the most up-to-date version. URL_LABEL_STD=More VIA_ADD=Add via VIA_DELETE=Delete via WIDGET_OLDVERSION=The use of app widgets is limited to Android versions 2.1 and higher. WITH=with CNF_FSCR=Fullscreen NO_GUARANTIE=No warranty for accuracy of information. NAME_CHANGE1=Runs as %s up to %s NAME_CHANGE2=up to %s NAME_CHANGE3=then as %s CON_LINKS=Current connections LEGEND_GREEN=Is reached LEGEND_RED=Is not reached LINELIVEMAP_INTIME=on time LINELIVEMAP_DELAY=approx. +%s min. LIVEMAP=Live Map PROD_LIVEMAP_NOTVISIBLE=These journeys are currently not displayed on the map. To display them, please zoom in. PROD_LIVEMAP_JOUNEYS_WITHOUT_RT=Also show vehicles without realtime TIME_IN_15M=In 15 min TIME_IN_1h=In 1h ST_IN=in %s ST_VOR=%s ago #Push PUSH_NOTI_SHORT=New trip information PUSH_NOTI_TITLE=Real time information PUSH_NOTI_TEXT=The connection from %s to %s has new information. PUSH_NOTI_TEXT_RSS="%s" has new information. PUSH_REG_ERROR_TITLE=Error while registering for push service PUSH_REG_ERROR_ACCOUNT=You need to set up a google account in order to use the service. PUSH_REG_ERROR_PASSWORD=The password of your account is incorrect. Please check your input. PUSH_REG_ERROR_MANY=You have registered too many applications for push. PUSH_REG_ERROR_PHONE=Your device does not support push notifications. PUSH_TITLE=Alerts NO_ABOS=You have not subscribed to any connection. After a journey search, click "Subscribe to connection" in connection details. PUSH_VORLAUF_INFO=How early do you want to be informed before departure? PUSH_VORLAUF=Lead time VOR0=20 Minutes VOR1=30 Minutes VOR2=40 Minutes VOR3=50 Minutes VOR4=1 Hour VOR5=5 Minutes VOR6=10 Minutes PUSH_DELAY_INFO=Choose how delayed a journey has to be for being informed about it. PUSH_DELAY=Delays DEL0=at least 5 min. DEL1=at least 10 min. DEL2=at least 15 min. PUSH_CHANGE_INFO=Choose when you want to be alerted for changes. PUSH_CHANGE=Change alert CHG0=No message CHG1=1 minute CHG2=2 minutes CHG3=3 minutes CHG4=4 minutes CHG5=5 minutes CHG6=10 minutes PUSH_CHANGE_TITLE=Travel information PUSH_CHANGE_CHANGE_TEXT=Alert for the connection to %s. PUSH_REPEAT=Repeat PUSH_REPEAT_INFO=Choose which days of the week, the connection should be monitored. Regular monitoring is possible for the current timetable period from %s to %s. The selected connection runs %s. In brackets is the number of journeys on each weekday. NEVER=Never EVERY=Every PUSH_ABO=Subscribe to connection PUSH_ABO_HELP=Stay informed about irregularities EDIT=Edit ABO_CAP=Alert NO_PUSH_MESSAGE=There are no messages. FAHRPLAN=Journey search PUSHSUBS_CAP=Alert BOARDING_NOT_POSSIBLE=Boarding to %s at station %s is not possible. BOARDING_POSSIBLE=Boarding to %s at station %s is possible. ALIGHTING_NOT_POSSIBLE=Alighting from %s at station %s is not possible. ALIGHTING_POSSIBLE=Alighting from %s at station %s is possible. JOURNEY_NOT_POSSIBLE=Journey from %s to %s in %s is not possible. JOURNEY_POSSIBLE=Journey from %s to %s in %s is possible. CHANGING_NOT_POSSIBLE=The connection in %s may not be reachable. CHANGING_POSSIBLE=The connection in %s is reachable again. PUSH_ERROR=An error occured while setting up the alert. ERR_PUSH_UNAVAILABLE=Unfortunately, Push is not available on your device. ERR_PUSH_INTERNET=The device is not connected to the internet. ERR_PUSH_REGISTRATION=Your device could not be registered for Push usage. ERR_PUSH_PARSE=Faulty server response. ERR_PUSHSERVER=Internal pushserver error ERR_PUSHSERVER_TOO_MANY_SUBSCRIPTIONS=Internal pushserver error (error code 1) ERR_PUSHSERVER_NO_SUCH_SUBSCRIPTION=Internal pushserver error (error code 2) ERR_PUSHSERVER_TECHNICAL=Internal pushserver error (error code 3) ERR_PUSHSERVER_BAD_USER_INPUT=Internal pushserver error (error code 4) ABOBOARDING=Stops AB_CAPTION=Origin AN_CAPTION=Destination OFFLINECREATIONDATE=Offline data created on %s OFFLINE_OUTOFDATE=Your offline data is out of date. CALL_P2W_UPDATE=Update offline data DET_FAHRWEG=Driving route LINELIVEMAP_SHOWSTATIONS=Show stations LINELIVEMAP_SHOWROUTENET=Show route map LINELIVEMAP_SHOWWITHOUTRT=Show vehicles without realtime LINELIVEMAP_ONTIME=Accuracy LINELIVEMAP_HEADERTEXT=Livemap NO_STATION_SELECTED=No station selected P2W_NOT_POSSIBLE=It is not possible to make this timetable available offline. TRAINSEARCH=Search trains TRAIN_NAME=Train name TRAINNUMBER=Train number/-name TRAINSEARCH_STATION=Stop/station OPTIONAL=optional TRAINSEARCH_COUNTRYFILTER=Only trains in %s RESET_STATION=Reset station/stop TRAINSEARCH_REQUEST_TEXT=Search "%s" NO_TRAINS_FOUND=No trains found, according to your input! TRAINSEARCH_TOO_COMPLEX=Too many trains found, list not displayed.\n\nPlease complete and refine the search criteria. HOME_TAB=Home PUSH_AN=arr PUSH_AB=dep PUSH_DELETED=Alert has been deleted on the server. 15MIN=In 15 min 1HOUR=In 1 h LOC_TITLE=Locations STATION_TITLE=Stations BACK_WILL_END=Next hit of back button will end program. RT_CANCEL_TEXT_ONE_STATION=%s is cancelled in %s. We recommend checking any other connection for travelling. RT_CANCEL_TEXT_MORE_STATIONS=%s is cancelled between %s and %s. We recommend checking any other connection for travelling. HIM_OV_MULTIPLE_MESSAGES=There are traffic messages. See details. CMD_BARGRAPH=Bars CMD_TRAINNAME=Names DET_CHANGE=Change MY_TRAIN=My Train MY_TRAIN_NO_TRAIN_SELECTED=No train is selected.\nPlease use train search to select a train. TAKE_AS_MY_TRAIN=Set as "My train" SEEDETAILS=Please check the detail view FAV_DESCR_LOCATION_ADD=Here you will find the locations you searched for. ADD_LOC_FAVORITE=Add location to favorites REMOVE_LOC_FAVORITE=Remove location from favorites UPDATE_ASKMANAGER=No timetable data available. Do you want to start the Update Manager? UPDATE_MANAGER=Update Manager MAP_TRAINVIEW_TOGGLE=Train pursuit on/off TICKET_STACK=Tickets PROD_STRECKENNETZ=Show route map CALL_BIKE=Call a Bike CALL_BIKE_HELP=Available bicycles in the area RENT_CAR=DB Carsharing RENT_CAR_HELP=Available cars in the area RSS_NO_MESSAGES=There are no current messages. LINELIVEMAP_EARLY=approx. %s min. early FAV_DESCR_ANAB_ADD=To add favorites press the star-symbol while watching departures/arrivals or the history. The departures/arrivals will be added as favorite then. HISTORY_DESCR_ANAB_ADD=To add something to the history, search departures/arrivals. It will be added to the history list then. STOPOVER=%s intermediate stop STOPOVER_PL=%s intermediate stop SHARE=Share LIVEMAP_TRAIN_PURSUIT_ON=Journey is followed LIVEMAP_TRAIN_PURSUIT_OFF=Follow mode deactivated LIVEMAP_ONLY_SELECTED_TRAIN_ON=Hide other journeys LIVEMAP_ONLY_SELECTED_TRAIN_OFF=Show all journeys LIVEMAP_TRAIN_LOAD_ROUTE=Loading route... LEGAL=Legal Notices SECURITY_ADDRESSACCESS=Access address book SECURITY_ADDRESSACCESS_ASK=Do you want to allow this application to access your address book so you can enter start and destination from your address book? SECURITY_ADDRESSACCESS_YES=The application accesses your address book. SECURITY_ADDRESSACCESS_NO=The application does not access your address book. SECURITY_ADDRESSACCESS_HINT=You can change this in the settings later. DETAIL_INFOS=Detailinfos DIST_KM=km DIST_M=m CMD_GROUPING=Filters AN_AB_GROUP_TIMES=Times AN_AB_GROUP_TIMES_CA=countdown AN_AB_GROUP_TIMES_AT=time AN_AB_GROUP_GROUPING=Sorting AN_AB_GROUP_GROUPING_ON=by line AN_AB_GROUP_GROUPING_OFF=chronological AN_AB_GROUP_PRODS=Products AR=Augmented Reality AR_HELP=Stations nearby AR_REFRESH_DEPARTURES=Refresh Departures AR_CONNECTION_FROM_HERE=Plan journey from here AR_STATION_BOARD=Stationboard AR_MORE=More AR_METERS=meter AR_METERS_ABBR=m AR_MINUTES=minute(s) AR_ERROR=Error AR_ERROR_STATIONS=Error while loading stations nearby. AR_RETRY=Retry AR_CANCEL=Cancel AR_ERROR_DEPARTURES=Error while loading departures AR_PROGRESS_LOCATION=Waiting for location.. AR_PROGRESS_STATIONS=Loading stations nearby.. AR_MINUTES_ABBR=min. AR_SCREENSHOT=Screenshot AR_HOURS_ABBR=hrs. AR_LOCATION=Location AR_ASK_FOR_STATION_UPDATE=Your location changed. Would you like to update the stations near you? AR_PROGRESS_POSITION=Positioning stations because location changed.. AR_STATIONS_INSTRUCTION=Turn, in order to see stations nearby.\nClick on a station to get more information.\nHint: Bend mobile phone upward to see distant stations. AR_ENTRYPOINTS_INSTRUCTION=You see the entrances of the station. Click on one for more information. AR_ERROR_SENSOR=Compass is disabled or not available. AR_ERROR_CAMERA=The camera cannot be initialized. AR_ERROR_GPS_DISABLED=GPS is disabled or not available. AR_GPS_SETTINGS=Settings AR_LM_TITLE=Options TB_TITLE=Tripbox TB_TITLE_MINE=mine TB_TITLE_OTHERS=others TB_CMD_MINE=Yes (as own) TB_CMD_OTHERS=Yes (as other) TB_CMD_CANCEL=No TB_ALTERNATIVES=Current alternatives TB_COMMENTS=Comments TB_IMPORT_QUESTION=Import trip? TB_SORT_TIME=Sort by time TB_SORT_DISTANCE=Sort by distance TB_FRIENDS=Friends TB_EXISTS_TITLE=Trip exists TB_EXISTS=This trip is already in your tripbox VAO_ECO_INFO_SHORT=%s kg CO2 VAO_ECO_INFO_LONG=This connection has a CO2 emission about %s kg. Powered by UIC. MAP_START_ROUTE_ANIM=Start flight over route MAP_START_ROUTE_STOP=Stop flight over route SOT_SEARCH_FROM_THIS_TRAIN=Search from this trip LAST_TRAIN=From PUSH_ABO_TOAST=Subscribed to connection PUSH_MOFR=Commuter alarm (Mo-Fr) PUSH_SETTINGS=More settings PUSH_SHOW=Show messages GPS_TRIP=Journeys nearby JOURNEYS=Journeys #Lizenztexte fuer Libraries VIEWPAGERINDICATOR_LICENSE=<p>Android ViewPagerIndicator,</br>Copyright 2012 Jake Wharton</br>Copyright 2011 Patrik Åkerfeldt</br>Copyright 2011 Francisco Figueiredo Jr.</p><p>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at</p><a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a><p>Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.</p> GSON_LICENSE=<p>Gson,</br>Copyright (c) 2008-2009 Google Inc.</p><p>Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at</p><a href="http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0">http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0</a><p>Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.</p> TRY_LATER=Please try again later. TWITTER_NOT_INSTALLED=Twitter-App is not installed COUNTDOWN_IN_CA=in approx. %s' COUNTDOWN_IN=in %s' COUNTDOWN_VOR_CA=approx. %s' ago COUNTDOWN_VOR=%s' ago COUNTDOWN_NOW_CA=approx. now COUNTDOWN_NOW=now MAP_PLACE_MARKER=Mark position ST_DAY_CHANGED=* Connection not on day of search TRAFFIC_TITLE=Traffic situation FAV=My favorites FAV_ASK_DEL=Do you wish to delete the favorite? FAV_DELETE=Delete FAV_DELETE_ALL=Delete all FAV_ERR_INCOMPLETE=System error: Insufficient Favorite information. Please try again. FAV_ERR_LOAD=System error: Error in downloading Favorite. Please try again. FAV_ERR_SAVE=System error: Error in saving Favorite. Please try again. FAVS_ASK_DEL=Do you wish to delete all favorites? FAVS_EMPTY=Your last bought tickets will show up here. This makes it faster next time you want to buy the same ticket. IMAGE_FEHLER=Note: The ticket data are too large for the screen and cannot be displayed. Please enquire with ticket control staff or at the counter. NEXT_TICKET=Next ticket NO_PRICE=No price PREV_TICKET=Last ticket PRICE=Price REQ_BUYTICKET=Buy ticket REQ_FTRACK=Tickets TICKET=Ticket TICKET_ASK_DEL=Do you want to delete the ticket? TICKETS_EMPTY=No tickets available yet. TICKETS_UPD=Request ticket again UPDATE_NOT_AVAILABLE_JET=Note: An update is required that is currently not available. Try again later. WS_ERROR=System error: The service is currently unavailable. ERR_NOT_ENOUGH_SPACE=System error: Insufficient memory available. Please delete data in "My Favorites" and "My Timetables". ACTIVE=Active USED=Used SYNC_HEAD=Pending Downloads NO_COOR=No coordinate found FAV_DESCR_TRAIN_ADD=Your viewed trains will appear here.\n\nTo add favorites press the star-symbol. The train will be added as favorite then. TRAINSEARCH_FAV_TITLE=Trains TRAINFAV_ASK_DELETE1=Is the train " TRAINFAV_ASK_DELETE2=" to be deleted? STATION_ALERT_TITLE=My reminders STATION_ADD_ALERT=Add reminder STATION_EDIT_ALERT=Manage reminder STATION_ALERT_SUBTITLE=Notification before arrival STATION_ALERT_SUBTITLE_DEP=Notification before departure STATION_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_TITLE=SNCB/NMBS STATION_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_TEXT={time}: Arrival of {train} at {stop}. STATION_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_DEP={time}: Departure of {train} at {stop}. STATION_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_LONG=At {time}: Arrival of {train} at {stop}{platform}. STATION_ALERT_NOTIFICATION_TEXT_LONG_DEP=At {time}: Departure of {train} at {stop}{platform}. STATION_ALERT_PLATF_TEXT=(Platform {platform}) STATION_ALERT_LIST_TEXT=Arrival of {train} in {stop} STATION_ALERT_LIST_TEXT_DEP=Departure of {train} from {stop} STATION_ALERT_LIST_HELPTEXT=Alarm starting at {date} {time} STATION_ALERT_LIST_EMPTY=You don't have any reminders set up currently. After a connection or a train search you can set a reminder by choosing a stop of the connection and subsequently tapping "%s". STATION_ALERT_SETUP_TITLE=Add alarm STATION_ALERT_VOR0=5 minutes STATION_ALERT_VOR1=10 minutes STATION_ALERT_VOR2=15 minutes STATION_ALERT_VOR3=30 minutes STATION_ALERT_VOR4=45 minutes STATION_ALERT_VOR5=1 hour STATION_ALERT_VORLAUF_INFO=How early do you want to be informed before arrival? STATION_ALERT_VORLAUF_INFO_DEP=How early do you want to be informed before departure? STATION_ALERT_VORLAUF=Lead time NOTIFICATION_SNOOZE=Snooze ADDITIONAL_STOP=Extra Stop PUSH_DEPARTURE=Monitor depature on first station PUSH_ARRIVAL=Monitor arrival on last station PUSH_SOUND=Acoustic signal PUSH_DEPARTED=The train has been departed. PUSH_WILLARRIVE=The train will arrive at the selected stop. PUSH_NOT_MATCHING=The current time table data does not match the connection. Please set up a new subscription. PUSH_DEACTIVATED_BY_USER=The subscription is deactivated PUSH_EXPIRED=The subscription expired. The monitored service days are in the past. PUSH_INVALID=An error occured while setting up the subscription. WIDGET_DESCR=Please choose a favorite with offline data for the home screen widget. WIDGET_DESCR_ADD=You create a favorite by pressing the star-symbol of a relation. Remember that you have to make the favorite available offline.