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Miserlou /
Created October 17, 2017 21:57
'default': {
'ENGINE': 'zappa_django_utils.db.backends.s3sqlite',
'NAME': 'sqlite.db',
'BUCKET': 'your-db-bucket'
manekinekko /
Last active February 4, 2025 18:30 use the Google Cloud Shell to clone and edit a github repository

Open a github repository in the Cloud Shell

The Google Cloud Shell gives you a handy and quick Shell access to your Cloud instance. One thing you may not know is that you can use the Cloud Shell to clone and edit a Github project. Let's see how.

The trick here is to just call the following URL: with the following parameters:

  1. git_repo: this is the URL to your github repository
  2. open_in_editor: this would be the file you want to open in the editor
  3. page=editor: this tells the cloud shell to open the code editor
Task 1: Create a project jumphost instance
Navigation menu > Compute engine > VM Instance
Task 2: Create a Kubernetes service cluster
gcloud config set compute/zone us-east1-b
gcloud container clusters create nucleus-webserver1