I hereby claim:
- I am Arathnim on github.
- I am arathnim (https://keybase.io/arathnim) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is A2BB 033F DC67 D2CC 481A 3A49 7953 1836 CE5E E6F3
To claim this, I am signing this object:
(load "parmesan-test.cl") | |
(in-package parmesan) | |
(defparser symbol (intern (string-upcase (many+ letters)))) | |
(defparser integer (parse-integer (many+ digits))) | |
(defparser quoted (between "'" (many (except "'")) "'")) | |
(defparser term (car ((choice quoted symbol integer sexp) (skip (many " "))))) | |
(defparser sexp (between "(" (manyc term)) ")")) |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
(quickload/use '(aphasia arrows alexandria drakma cl-ppcre cxml)) | |
(-> (read-file "~/rss") | |
(split "\\n") | |
(thread-map | |
(compose | |
(http-request) | |
(xml->sexp) | |
(map (recur-match-all 'item)))) | |
(flatten 1) |
mv [f ".lisp" => f ++ ".cl"] | |
sum (map [file:f int:s => s] (read-lines ./file.txt)) | |
read-lines ./file.txt | map [File:f Int:s => s] | sum | |
thread-map [json:j => j | :language] (http-get "api.github.com/search/repos/foo") | append | |
sum [x | x <- [1..999], x % 3 == 0 || x % 5 == 0] | |
str = read-file ./file.txt |
# fictional ruby irc library | |
class Remind < Command | |
defparser handle(time:t, raw_string:s) | |
remind_queue.push([t + current_time, s]) | |
end | |
# start a thread to check over the queue | |
end |
(defflag width :long "width" :short "w" :parse integer) | |
(defflag height :long "height" :short "h" :parse integer) | |
(defflag user :long "user" :short "u" :parse nil) | |
(defflag host :long "host" :short "H" :parse valid-hostname) |
import TagDemo from './Tag-Fs-Demo' | |
class Post extends React.Component { | |
constructor(props) { | |
super(props); | |
this.state = {data: "foo"}; | |
fetch("/posts/" + this.props.match.params.path + ".json").then(x => x.json()).then(x => {this.setState({data: x})}) | |
} | |
componentDidUpdate() { |
exports.down = knex => | |
Promise.all([ | |
knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('boards'), | |
knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('threads'), | |
knex.schema.dropTableIfExists('posts'), | |
]) | |
exports.up = knex => | |
Promise.all([ | |
knex.schema |
(proclaim '(optimize (speed 0) (safety 3) (debug 3) (space 0))) | |
;(declaim #+sbcl(sb-ext:muffle-conditions style-warning)) | |
;(declaim #+sbcl(sb-ext:muffle-conditions warning)) | |
;; TODO | |
;; [x] switch over to destructuring-match for give and award | |
;; [ ] make a more general inventory system | |
;; [ ] note/definition thing | |
;; [ ] better auth methods | |
;; [ ] number designator 'all' |