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ariankordi / miitomo
Created September 14, 2024 04:19
Scripts to assist in deobfuscating Miitomo/DeNA XOR + LZ4 encryption, with a mitmproxy script, Go reverse proxy, and Python decoding script. (Note: AI slop)
import mitmproxy.http
from mitmproxy import ctx
import lz4.block
import binascii
# NOTE: miitomo common key is '9ec1c78fa2cb34e2bed5691c08432f04'
COMMON_KEY = "9ec1c78fa2cb34e2bed5691c08432f04"
SESSION_ID_COOKIE_NAME = "player_session_id"
def transform_common_key(s):
# remove DISCORD(tm) NITRO(tm) button below friends list button in most cases[href="/store"][href="/shop"][href="/discovery"][href="//"][href="/activities"][data-list-item-id=private-channels-uid_40___snowsgiving]
# remove discord ready animation n video
ariankordi /
Created July 12, 2024 21:15
uses HEYimHEROIC/mii2studio (PLACE IN THAT REPO!!!) to convert to the Switch Mii format, nn::mii::CharInfo, hacky script
import sys
from struct import pack
import os
from kaitaistruct import KaitaiStream, BytesIO
if len(sys.argv) < 4:
print("CLI Usage: python <input mii file / qr code / cmoc entry number> <output studio mii file> <input type (wii/ds/3ds/wiiu/miitomo/switchdb/switch/studio)>\n")
input_file = input("Enter the path to the input file (binary file or QR Code), a CMOC entry number, or a URL to a QR Code: ")
output_file = input("Enter the path to the output file (which will be importable with Mii Studio): ")
ariankordi / extract-ffsd-from-ffl-odb.cpp
Created June 24, 2024 21:25
Tool using the FFL decomp (not straightforward to run) that extracts FFSDs from an FFL_ODB.dat, aka Wii U Mii Maker database
// NOTE: Meant to be built in my FFL-Testing repo, placed in src.
// LDFLAGS="-lssl -lcrypto" make SRC=src/extract-ffsd-from-ffl-odb.cpp EXEC=extract-ffsd-from-ffl-odb
#include <filedevice/rio_FileDeviceMgr.h>
#include <nn/ffl.h>
// get mii studio title id
#include <nn/ffl/detail/FFLiFileWriteBuffer.h>
#include <nn/ffl/FFLiMiiData.h>
ariankordi /
Created May 26, 2024 00:15
Do you want to transfer screenshots from your Switch to your PC easier, and already have a capture card set up? This is a script that scans the QR code for the "Send to Smartphone" feature and opens the browser for you automatically. Should be convenient... if you get it working, that is.
#!/usr/bin/env python3
import sys # for executable and exit
# OpenCV opens the camera and provides basic QR scanning.
# pip3 install opencv-python
import cv2
except ImportError as e:
# red then bold
ariankordi / switch-qr-connect-v1-linux.bash
Created May 18, 2024 05:21
todo i gotta rewrite both in python hhhh
pw=$(ffmpeg -hide_banner -loglevel fatal -video_size 720x480 -f v4l2 -ss 1 \
-i /dev/v4l/by-id/usb-Elgato_Game_Capture_HD60_X_*-video-index0 \
-frames:v 1 -f apng - \
| zbarimg --quiet --raw --oneshot - \
| awk -F ';' '{printf substr($3, 3)}')
if [ ! -z "$pw" ]; then
nmcli connection modify ENTER_SWITCH_SSID_HERE wifi-sec.psk "$pw"
ariankordi /
Created November 6, 2023 05:14
EllisProtect™ Technology wipes Tom Ellis off the face of the earth. No context is provided.
from selenium import webdriver
# import the service so a custom executable path can be specified
from import Service
from shutil import which
from import By
from import WebDriverWait
from import expected_conditions as EC
import selenium.common.exceptions
ariankordi / arian.splatnet-kindle.plist
Last active February 12, 2024 00:43
python selenium script (meant to work in conjunction with cursed nso reverse proxy!!!!!) that shows splatoon stages on your kindle
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">
ariankordi / README also you need to make a folder called app here
Last active September 23, 2023 04:30
two versions of my "nso reverse proxy" (deranged) (and CURSED)
in order to make the scripts happy, there is supposed to be a folder here called "app"
it is actually just from the nxapi electron app, it SHOULD be just resources/app
after that, you DO need to authenticate to nxapi - do something like this: node app/dist/bundle/cli-bundle.js nso auth
this is a reverse proxy that's meant to help me access splatnet 3 in my browser, leveraging other tools to do so
bruh.js,, and are more or less carried over from a previous hack for nooklink that actually just used a hacked up iksm from splatnet2statink:
this calls out to nxapi, which, you would need to download the app folder for AND authenticate to.
the proxy is meant to be used via a systemd socket spawning it and then later killing it, this ensures it literally only runs when it needs to. then, you can use a browser extension to selectively proxy that nintendo site over and voila, it SHOULD load correctly. it SHOU
ariankordi /
Last active February 10, 2024 00:29
script that automatically backs up my iphone over wifi using idevicebackup2, avahi-daemon, and netmuxd running as usbmuxd i'm too lazy to explain the rest rn (it's more complex because my jailbreak makes it not work when doing it the correct way)
# udid of device that is already paired and wifi enabled on
# todo replace with reverse lookup of the mac address??? but it wouldn't be
# the wifi mac address we know it would have to be the anonymized one
# ip neighbor | grep 02:21:21:21:21:21 | awk '{split($0, a, " dev"); printf a[1]}'
# 24 hours