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Artem Sites Kuznecov artemsites

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artemsites / reset.css
Created February 9, 2025 18:37 — forked from DavidWells/reset.css
CSS reset. Follow me on the twitters for more tips:
v2.0-modified | 20110126
License: none (public domain)
html, body, div, span, applet, object, iframe,
h1, h2, h3, h4, h5, h6, p, blockquote, pre,
a, abbr, acronym, address, big, cite, code,
del, dfn, em, img, ins, kbd, q, s, samp,
small, strike, strong, sub, sup, tt, var,
function throttle(func, limit) {
let lastFunc
let lastRan
return function(...args) {
if (!lastRan) {
func.apply(this, args)
lastRan =
} else {
lastFunc = setTimeout(() => {

Так выглядит спрайт

<svg width="0" height="0" style="display: none;" xmlns="" xmlns:xlink="">
  <symbol id="faq-v3-ico-3" viewBox="0 0 31 30">
    <circle fill="var(--color)" cx="15.4" cy="15" r="15" />
    <path fill="var(--color-inverse)" d="M6.4 12c0-.1.04-.18.1-.26a.35.35 0 0 1 .26-.1h4.9c.1 0 .19-.04.26-.12a.35.35 0 0 0 .11-.25v-4.9c0-.1.04-.19.11-.26A.35.35 0 0 1 12.4 6h6c.1 0 . . 0 . .1-.03.18-.1.26a.35.35 0 0 1-.26.1h-4.9c-.1 0-.18.04-.26.12a.35.35 0 0 0-.1.25v4.9c0 .1-.04.19-.12.26a.35.35 0 0 1-.25.11h-6a.35.35 0 0 1-.26-.11.35.35 0 0 1-.1-.26v-4.9c0-.1-.04-.18-.12-.25a.35.35 0 0 0-.25-.11h-4.9a.35.35 0 0 1-.26-.11.35.35 0 0 1-.11-.26v-6Z" />
* Выполнять колбэк только по прошествии указанного времени (с момента последнего вызова)
* @example
* let setUnsetSwiperTouchMove = debounce(function (e) {
* if (canScrollX($el)) {
* disableSwiperTouchMove($el, swiper);
* } else {
* enableSwiperTouchMove($el, swiper);
* }
function transliterate($text, $lowercase=false, $spaceToDash=false) {
$transliterationTable = array(
'а' => 'a', 'б' => 'b', 'в' => 'v', 'г' => 'g', 'д' => 'd',
'е' => 'e', 'ё' => 'yo', 'ж' => 'zh', 'з' => 'z', 'и' => 'i',
'й' => 'y', 'к' => 'k', 'л' => 'l', 'м' => 'm', 'н' => 'n',
'о' => 'o', 'п' => 'p', 'р' => 'r', 'с' => 's', 'т' => 't',
'у' => 'u', 'ф' => 'f', 'х' => 'kh', 'ц' => 'ts', 'ч' => 'ch',
'ш' => 'sh', 'щ' => 'shch', 'ъ' => '', 'ы' => 'y', 'ь' => '',
'э' => 'e', 'ю' => 'yu', 'я' => 'ya',
export function checkArraysContainSameObjects(arr1, arr2, key) {
if (arr1.length !== arr2.length) {
return false
return arr1.every(arr1Obj => arr2.some(arr2Obj => arr1Obj[key] === arr2Obj[key]))
artemsites / regexp.js
Last active September 16, 2024 18:37
* @version 16.09.2024
* import { getClearPhone } from "/src/utils/regexp.js"
export function getClearPhone(str) {
return str.replace(/[^+0-9]/g, "")
<Teleport to="body">
<div v-if="isOpen" class="popup-overlay" @click="closePopup">
<div class="popup-content" @click.stop>
<button class="popup-close" @click="closePopup">
* import { copyToClipboard } from "/src/utils/copyToClipboard.js"
* copyToClipboard("Этот текст будет скопирован в буфер обмена")
export function copyToClipboard(text, callback) {
const textarea = document.createElement('textarea')
textarea.value = text

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  swipeAngle: -1,            