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aryelgois / stack_trace.php
Last active March 12, 2018 17:36
Wraps the PHP Stack trace of a wab page you are developing for better visualization
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Wraps the PHP Stack trace of a wab page you are developing for better
* visualization
* Recomended usage:
* 1. Open your terminal and run
aryelgois /
Last active December 14, 2024 10:59
Git filter to ignore lines in your files
# Git filter to ignore lines in your files.
# Copyright (c) 2017-2019,2023 Aryel Mota Góis <[email protected]>
# MIT License
aryelgois /
Last active January 1, 2020 02:00
Amend the last commit overriding the committer and author info
# Amend the last commit overriding the committer and author info.
# The committer info is forced to be the same as the author's.
# Options:
# $1 Overrides date
# $2 Overrides name
# $3 Overrides email
aryelgois /
Last active March 12, 2018 17:31
Fix git colors for watch(1)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Fix git colors, userful for watch(1)
# @usage watch -c 'git colored <git command>'
# @see for an example of the problem and explanation
# run git command and replace all foreground colors to include '0'
exec git -c color.ui=always "$@" | sed -r $'s/\033\[([[:digit:]][[:digit:]])m/\033\[0;\\1m/g; s/\033\[m/\033\[0m/g'
aryelgois / HttpResponse.php
Created February 20, 2018 01:44 — forked from ewwink/http_response_code.php
PHP Class for HTTP Response Status Codes
* This Software is provided "as is" under the terms of the MIT license.
* @link
* Provides named constants for HTTP protocol status codes and their messages
aryelgois /
Last active January 1, 2020 01:54
Watch your commit history in the terminal
# Watch your commit history in the terminal.
# The log is scrollable.
# To refresh, you have to press 'q'. To exit, press <Ctrl-c> then press 'q'.
# See git-log-fullest at
while git log-fullest; do :; done
aryelgois /
Last active January 1, 2020 01:54
A complete commit log tree for git
# A complete commit log tree for git.
p=$(git config --get core.pager) || p=${PAGER:-less}
git log --color=always --format=fuller -1 2>&1 &&
echo &&
git log --color=always --all --date-order --decorate --graph --oneline
) | $p
aryelgois / icomoon-extract.php
Created May 23, 2018 19:42
Automated process to extract SVG Icomoon icons
#!/usr/bin/env php
* Automated process to extract SVG Icomoon icons
* Usage: php icomoon-extract.php path/to/icomoon.svg [path/to/destiny/]
* It takes each non-empty <glyph> and outputs into a svg file with one <path>.
* It also adds a matrix to resize to 48x48 px, some rectangles to help
* positioning, and includes some guides and grid.
aryelgois /
Last active November 18, 2021 11:52
Synchronize local branches with remotes (remove gone branches and fast-forward the others)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Synchronize local branches with remotes.
# It removes gone branches and fast-forward the others.
echo 'Fetching remotes...'
git fetch --prune
BRANCHES=$(git for-each-ref refs/heads/ --format='%(upstream:short):%(refname:short)~%(upstream:track)')
aryelgois /
Last active February 15, 2019 23:56
Automated creation of major and minor releases
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# Automated creation of major and minor releases
# Usage: release VERSION
# VERSION should be a semver for the next release
# For patch releases (i.e. hotfixes) you need to
# do manually