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Last active January 5, 2020 02:41
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SVG goban in Hiccup
(ns goban
(:require [clojure.string :as string]
(let [CEL 5.0 ; cell dimension in SVG viewport units
BDR 3.0 ; border width
PXR 10 ; ratio of pixels to SVG vw
BOA (* CEL 18) ; board side
DIM (+ BOA (* BDR 2))] ; goban side
(defn markup-stone [column row colour]
"Append a stone of the specified colour in the specified location to an svg diagram.
row - 1 through 19
column - keywords :a through :t
colour - :black, :white or :red"
(let [row (dec row)
col (- (int (first (name column))) (int \a))]
[:circle {:cy (+ BDR (* row CEL)) :cx (+ BDR (* col CEL))
:r (/ CEL 2) :stroke "none" :fill (name colour)}]))
(defn- svg-path [moves]
(apply str (for [[typ & args] moves]
(if (= typ :point)
(string/join "," args)
(str (name typ) (string/join "," args))))))
(defn markup-board [stones]
"Create a goban as Hiccup data."
[:rect {:width DIM :height DIM :fill #_"#e7dbd7" "#dcb35c"}]
[:rect {:width BOA :height BOA :x BDR :y BDR :stroke "#000" :stroke-width 0.2 :fill "none"}]
[:path {:stroke "#000" :stroke-width 0.2 :fill "none"
:d (svg-path (interleave (cons [:m BDR (+ BDR CEL)] (repeat 16 [:m 0 CEL]))
(cycle [[:h BOA] [:h (- BOA)]])))}] ; horizontals
[:path {:stroke "#000" :stroke-width 0.2 :fill "none"
:d (svg-path (interleave (cons [:m (+ BDR CEL) BDR] (repeat 16 [:m CEL 0]))
(cycle [[:v BOA] [:v (- BOA)]])))}] ; verticals
[:path {:stroke "#000" :stroke-width 0.8 :stroke-linecap "round"
:d (svg-path (partition 3 (flatten
(interleave (cons [:m 18 78] (repeat 3 [[:m 0 -30] [:point 10 0]]))
(cycle [(repeat 2 [[:m 30 0] [:point 10 0]])
(repeat 2 [[:m -30 0] [:point 10 0]])])))))}]]
(into [] (map #(apply markup-stone %) stones))))
(defn markup-empty-board []
(defn board->svg [stones]
(str "<!DOCTYPE svg PUBLIC \"-//W3C//DTD SVG 1.1//EN\" \"\">"
(hiccup.core/html [:svg {:xmlns ""
:width (* PXR DIM) :height (* PXR DIM)
:viewBox (string/join " " (map str [0 0 DIM DIM]))}
(markup-board stones)]))))
(defn test-board []
[[:a 1 :white]
[:b 2 :black]
[:c 3 :white]
[:d 4 :red]]))
Display the source blob
Display the rendered blob
<svg viewBox="0 0 96 96" xmlns=""><rect fill="#dcb35c" height="96" width="96" /><rect fill="none" height="90" stroke-width="0.2" stroke="#000" width="90" x="3" y="3" /><path d="m3,8h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90m0,5h-90m0,5h90" fill="none" stroke-width="0.2" stroke="#000" /><path d="m8,3v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90m5,0v-90m5,0v90" fill="none" stroke-width="0.2" stroke="#000" /><path d="m18,78m30,010,0m30,010,0m0,-3010,0m-30,010,0m-30,010,0m0,-3010,0m30,010,0m30,010,0m0,-3010,0m-30,010,0m-30,010,0" stroke-linecap="round" stroke-width="0.8" stroke="#000" /></svg>
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