If you haven't already set your NPM author info, now you should:
npm set init.author.name "Your Name"
npm set init.author.email "[email protected]"
npm set init.author.url "http://yourblog.com"
npm adduser
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/avatars.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon/core-icon.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../paper-ripple/paper-ripple.html"> | |
<polymer-element name="my-element"> | |
<template> | |
<style> | |
:host { | |
position: absolute; |
<link rel="import" href="../smoothie-chart/smoothie-chart.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/theme.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/topeka-resources.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/topeka-app.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/topeka-datasource.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/avatars.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../core-icon/core-icon.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../paper-toast/paper-toast.html"> | |
<link rel="import" href="../topeka-elements/topeka-profile.html"> |
<html> | |
<head> | |
<!-- The <script> switches rel="prefetch" to rel="stylesheet" at proper time, et voila, magic happens :-) --> | |
<link rel="prefetch" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.limitlesslane.com/css/mini/async_lib.css" /> | |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.limitlesslane.com/css/mini/lib.css" /> | |
<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.limitlesslane.com/css/mini/app.css" /> | |
<link rel="prefetch" type="text/css" href="https://cdn.limitlesslane.com/css/mini/async_app.css" /> | |
<script> | |
;(function(w,d){ |
If you haven't already set your NPM author info, now you should:
npm set init.author.name "Your Name"
npm set init.author.email "[email protected]"
npm set init.author.url "http://yourblog.com"
npm adduser
[ | |
{ | |
"name":"ABAP", | |
"type":"programming", | |
"extensions":[ | |
".abap" | |
] | |
}, | |
{ | |
"name":"AGS Script", |
# Git branch in prompt. | |
parse_git_branch() { | |
git branch 2> /dev/null | sed -e '/^[^*]/d' -e 's/* \(.*\)/ (\1)/' | |
} | |
export PS1="\[\033[36m\]\u\[\033[m\]@\[\033[32m\]\h:\[\033[33;1m\]\w\[\033[36m\]\$(parse_git_branch)\[\033[00m\] $ " | |
export CLICOLOR=1 | |
export LSCOLORS=ExFxBxDxCxegedabagacad | |
alias ls='ls -GFh' |
<html> | |
<body> | |
<script type="text/javascript"> | |
// Code goes here... | |
</script> | |
</body> | |
</html> |
#include <stdio.h> | |
#include <string.h> | |
#include <stdlib.h> | |
#include <unistd.h> | |
#include <fcntl.h> | |
#include <string.h> | |
#include <netinet/tcp.h> | |
#include <sys/socket.h> | |
#include <sys/types.h> |
if __name__ == '__main__': | |
env = gym.make('Mario-Kart-Luigi-Raceway-Multi-v0') | |
obs = env.reset() | |
env.render() | |
while not end_episode: | |
# Action should be multi-threaded + setting agent | |
for i in range(num_agents): | |
agent = i+1 |
When you use ssh with X forwarding, you might have noticed that you cannot execute programs that require 3D acceleration. That's where VirtualGL comes into play.