Every Nix derivation produces a Nix store output that has 3 things:
- Executables
- Libraries
- Data
Executables are always exported using the PATH
environment variable. This is pretty much automatic.
# How to test packages to be included in nixpkgs | |
Thank you for helping us test packages to be included in nixpkgs! | |
If you want to test a PR, first, you need to fork the nixpkgs | |
Repository. | |
To follow along, you first need to have Nix installed on your system. | |
I recommend the installer from Determinate Systems, which you can find | |
here: https://github.com/DeterminateSystems/nix-installer |
You would think it would be easy to find this information, but none of the Github or Gandi documentation is clear so I have recorded the required steps here.
Create the following A records:
@ 1800 IN A
@ 1800 IN A
@ 1800 IN A
get_counts <- function(dataset, var){ | |
dataset %>% | |
group_by(am) %>% | |
mutate("change_{{var}}" := n_distinct({{var}})) %>% | |
mutate(total = across(starts_with("change"), identity)) %>% | |
mutate(total = unlist(total)) %>% | |
filter(total == 11) %>% | |
select(-total) |
dput(sort(unique(as.character(tcltk::tkfont.families())))) | |
c("!Y2KBUG", "1980 Portable", "256 Bytes", "6809chargen", "Abberancy", | |
"Adobe Courier", "Adobe Helvetica", "Adobe New Century Schoolbook", | |
"Adobe Symbol", "Adobe Times", "Adobe Utopia", "Adriator", "Airmole", | |
"Airmole Antique", "Airmole Shaded", "Airmole Stripe", "Almonte", | |
"Almonte Snow", "Almonte Woodgrain", "Anglepoise Lampshade", | |
"Anklepants", "Arabic Newspaper", "Arnprior", "Astron Boy", "Astron Boy Video", | |
"Astron Boy Wonder", "Axaxax", "B&H Lucida", "B&H LucidaBright", | |
"B&H LucidaTypewriter", "Baby Jeepers", "BaileysCar", "Balker", |
dput(sort(unique(as.character(tcltk::tkfont.families())))) | |
c("@Malgun Gothic", "@Malgun Gothic Semilight", "@Microsoft JhengHei", | |
"@Microsoft JhengHei Light", "@Microsoft JhengHei UI", "@Microsoft JhengHei UI Light", | |
"@Microsoft YaHei", "@Microsoft YaHei Light", "@Microsoft YaHei UI", | |
"@Microsoft YaHei UI Light", "@MingLiU-ExtB", "@MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB", | |
"@MS Gothic", "@MS PGothic", "@MS UI Gothic", "@NSimSun", "@PMingLiU-ExtB", | |
"@SimSun", "@SimSun-ExtB", "@Yu Gothic", "@Yu Gothic Light", | |
"@Yu Gothic Medium", "@Yu Gothic UI", "@Yu Gothic UI Light", | |
"@Yu Gothic UI Semibold", "@Yu Gothic UI Semilight", "8514oem", |
c("@Malgun Gothic", "@Malgun Gothic Semilight", "@Microsoft JhengHei", | |
"@Microsoft JhengHei Light", "@Microsoft JhengHei UI", "@Microsoft JhengHei UI Light", | |
"@Microsoft YaHei", "@Microsoft YaHei Light", "@Microsoft YaHei UI", | |
"@Microsoft YaHei UI Light", "@MingLiU-ExtB", "@MingLiU_HKSCS-ExtB", | |
"@MS Gothic", "@MS PGothic", "@MS UI Gothic", "@NSimSun", "@PMingLiU-ExtB", | |
"@SimSun", "@SimSun-ExtB", "@Yu Gothic", "@Yu Gothic Light", | |
"@Yu Gothic Medium", "@Yu Gothic UI", "@Yu Gothic UI Light", | |
"@Yu Gothic UI Semibold", "@Yu Gothic UI Semilight", "8514oem", | |
"Agency FB", "Algerian", "Arabic Transparent", "Arial", "Arial Baltic", |
options(reactable.theme = reactable::reactableTheme( | |
color = "hsl(233, 9%, 87%)", | |
backgroundColor = "#002b36", | |
borderColor = "#eee8d5", | |
stripedColor = "#586e75", | |
highlightColor = "#6c71c4", | |
inputStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"), | |
selectStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"), | |
pageButtonHoverStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 25%)"), | |
pageButtonActiveStyle = list(backgroundColor = "hsl(233, 9%, 28%)") |
Put this code below in a file called example_report.Rmd | |
--- | |
title: "Report for `r params$country`" | |
date: "`r format(Sys.time(), '%d %B, %Y')`" | |
output: | |
tufte::tufte_handout: | |
latex_engine: xelatex | |
params: | |
country: "country" |
--- | |
title: "The power of DRY" | |
output: html_document | |
--- | |
```{r setup, include=FALSE} | |
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE) | |
#rmarkdown::render("iwalk_script.Rmd") | |
library(dplyr) | |
library(forcats) |