I hereby claim:
- I am b123400 on github.
- I am b123400 (https://keybase.io/b123400) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 03A6 8B4D 2A89 4A96 E757 B4DF B9D6 DBC8 3299 4AA6
To claim this, I am signing this object:
type AsJSON<T> = | |
T extends Date ? string : | |
T extends Function ? undefined : | |
T extends Symbol ? undefined : | |
T extends Array<any> ? AsJSONArray<T> : | |
T extends object ? AsJSONObj<T> : | |
T; | |
type AsJSONObj<T extends object> = { | |
[K in keyof T]: AsJSON<T[K]> |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
import tweepy | |
# fuck you official api key | |
auth = tweepy.OAuthHandler('3rJOl1ODzm9yZy63FACdg', '5jPoQ5kQvMJFDYRNE8bQ4rHuds4xJqhvgNJM4awaE8') | |
auth.set_access_token('YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN', 'YOUR-ACCESS-TOKEN-SECRET') | |
api = tweepy.API(auth) | |
def is_bad_follower(follower): | |
if(follower.default_profile_image and follower.lang == 'zh-cn' and follower.statuses_count < 10): |
(function(){ | |
if(!window.chrome)return; | |
var _fillText=CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText; | |
CanvasRenderingContext2D.prototype.fillText=function(text,x,y,maxWidth){ | |
if(text.indexOf(' ')==-1){ | |
return _fillText.apply(this, arguments); | |
} | |
var text_arr=text.split(''); | |
var originalX=x; | |
for(var i=0;i<text_arr.length;i++){ |
var isFontAvailable; | |
(function(){ | |
var fontCanvas=null,fontCtx=null,cachedWidth={}; | |
isFontAvailable=function(fontFace){ | |
if(!fontCanvas){ | |
fontCanvas=document.createElement('canvas'); | |
fontCtx=fontCanvas.getContext('2d'); | |
} | |
var stringToMeasure="0123456789ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXTZabcdefghiklmnopqrstuvwxyz"; | |
var fontsToTest=["monospace","sans-serif","serif"]; |
<?php | |
//There is no public API therefore this is not so reliable, use it at your own risk | |
function search_string($string , $regex , $index=1){ | |
$pattern = "~".$regex."~"; | |
preg_match($pattern, $string, $matches); | |
//var_dump($matches); | |
return $matches[$index]; | |
} | |
function getDataUsageFromThreeAccount($mobileNo,$password){ | |
$loginURL="http://www.three.com.hk/appCS2/verifyLogin.do?lang=eng"; |
var madoka= new function{ | |
this.power=/*平凡な中学生の力*/; | |
this.becomesMahosyoujyo=function (){ | |
/*戦い続ける*/ | |
die(); | |
} | |
} | |
var homura = new function() { | |
this.goBack=function(){ | |
while(true){ //ほむほむ |
-(id)init{ | |
UIMenuItem *customMenuItem = [[[UIMenuItem alloc] initWithTitle:@"Search" action:@selector(searchWord:)] autorelease]; | |
[[UIMenuController sharedMenuController] setMenuItems:[NSArray arrayWithObjects:customMenuItem, nil]]; | |
return [super init]; | |
} | |
- (BOOL)canPerformAction:(SEL)action withSender:(id)sender { | |
if (tweetContentView.superview != nil) { | |
if (action == @selector(searchWord:)) { | |
return YES; |