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Bagus Nur Listiyono bagusnl

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bagusnl /
Last active November 6, 2022 03:54
makeUmove Discord Server

Promote your content here! You must have the role Content Creator to share.

Content Creator role requirements:

  1. Contents that you made should follow our server rules, Discord ToS and Guidelines, and respective platform guidelines (YouTube, Twitch, Pixiv, etc.)
  2. The Content platform account (YouTube, Twitch, etc.) is at least 1 month old and has any activity in the last 2 weeks.
  3. If your content is from Twitch or YouTube, make sure that it's connected to your Discord account and visible to everyone (Settings>Connections)
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bagusnl / waifu2x.bat
Last active February 24, 2020 10:39
CLI Batch for waifu2x-converter-cpp by DeadSix27
@echo off
title waifu2x CLI
echo waifu2x CLI
echo Select processing units for waifu2x
.\waifu2x-converter-cpp.exe -l
set /p processor="Enter processor ID: "
if '%processor%' == '' goto start
bagusnl / waifu2x.bat
Created June 9, 2019 10:39
CLI Batch for waifu2x-converter-cpp by DeadSix27
@echo off
echo waifu2x CLI
echo Select processing units for waifu2x
.\waifu2x-converter-cpp.exe -l
set /p processor="Enter processor ID: "
goto threadcount