Let's have some command-line fun with curl, [jq][1], and the [new GitHub Search API][2].
Today we're looking for:
Let's have some command-line fun with curl, [jq][1], and the [new GitHub Search API][2].
Today we're looking for:
var Hapi = require('hapi'); | |
var Bell = require('bell'); | |
var AuthCookie = require('hapi-auth-cookie'); | |
var server = new Hapi.Server(); | |
server.connection({ port: 9001 }); | |
server.register([Bell, AuthCookie], function (err) { | |
if (err) { |
Deploying a Phoenix app to Fly.io is a breeze...is what everyone kept telling me. In fairness, I imagine the process would have been breezier had I just used postgres, but all the sqlite and litestream talk has been far too intriguing to ignore. "Wait", you say. "It is just a flat file. How much harder can it be?"
It is easy to make something harder than it should be. It is hard to take something complex and make it truly simple. flyctl launch
does an amazing job at providing a simple interface to the utterly complex task of generating deployment resources, especially now that we are living in a containerd
(erm, firecracker) world.
This gist is for anyone who, like me, thinks they know better than to read all of the documentation and therefore necessari