- From WillDisAppear
- To WillAppear
- From DidDisAppear
- To DidAppear
# Valid and working as of 11/10/2014 | |
# Xcode 6.1, XCode Server 4.0 | |
#Upload Archive to HockeyApp | |
#Settings | |
PRODUCT_NAME="<Product name>" | |
PRODUCT_FOLDER="<Product Folder>" | |
SIGNING_IDENTITY="<identity>" | |
#"This has to be exactly what you see in Keychain -> My Certificates" |
// Dumping.swift | |
// | |
// Copyright (c) 2015 Ben Rudhart | www.app-grade.de | |
// This class is ported from an objectiv-c version found here: http://www.blackdogfoundry.com/blog/common-xcode4-plugin-techniques/ | |
import Foundation | |
import AppKit | |
extension NSView { |
import Foundation | |
import UIKit | |
//: # The problem: Protocol that is using an enum with generic associated type | |
enum GenericEnum<T> { | |
case Unassociated | |
case Associated(T) | |
} |
import Foundation | |
import SwiftData | |
/// The `AsyncModelActor` protocol leverages SwiftData's `@ModelActor` to safely and concurrently perform operations (CRUD) on different threads. | |
/// | |
/// ### Problem: | |
/// By default, all `ModelActor` instances execute tasks on the thread they were initialized on. This means that if a `@ModelActor` is initialized on the main thread | |
/// (e.g., in a SwiftUI View or ViewModel), all its operations will run on the main thread, potentially leading to performance issues. | |
/// | |
/// ### Solution: |
import SwiftUI | |
@MainActor // (default as of iOS 18) | |
struct MyView: View { | |
let ascending = true | |
@State var sortedData: [Int] = [] | |
let dataRepository: MyDataRepository | |
var body: some View { | |
List(sortedData, id: \.self) { value in |