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estebandelaf / woocommerce_snippet_libredte.php
Last active June 16, 2020 20:57
Snippet para solicitar datos de un DTE chileno en el checkout de WooCommerce
add_filter('woocommerce_checkout_fields', 'custom_override_checkout_fields');
function custom_override_checkout_fields($fields)
$fields['billing']['billing_documento'] = array(
'type' => 'select',
'label' => __('Documento', 'woocommerce'),
'options' => array(33=>'Factura', 39=>'Boleta'),
'required' => true,
'class' => array('form-row-wide'),
'clear' => true,
silenoth / chilexpress.php
Created August 14, 2016 21:25
Version modificada que no requiere el modulo allow_url_fopen. Autor original @nikoskip
* - Version modificada que no requiere el modulo allow_url_fopen.
* Una simple función para obtener los costos de envío de un paquete mediante Chilexpress.
* Como única dependencia se necesita de la liberia PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser:
* Para poder comunicarse con Chilexpress, se debe tener la lista de todas las comunas que ellos utilizan y el código
* que le asignan a cada una. En este archivo, al final, podrás encontrar el listado, el cual podrás parsear fácilmente
baamenabar / obtener_costo_envio_paquete.php
Last active March 31, 2019 02:27 — forked from nikoskip/valores_chilexpress.php
Obtener costos de envío por Chilexpress, usando el formulario de cálculo que tienen ellos. A falta de un API, hay que hacerse uno. Todo mérito a @nikoskip
* Una simple función para obtener los costos de envío de un paquete mediante Chilexpress.
* Como única dependencia se necesita de la liberia PHP Simple HTML DOM Parser:
* Para poder comunicarse con Chilexpress, se debe tener la lista de todas las comunas que ellos utilizan y el código
* que le asignan a cada una. En este archivo, al final, podrás encontrar el listado, el cual podrás parsear fácilmente
dhh /
Last active August 30, 2023 09:33
Basecamp is under network attack (DDoS)

Basecamp was under network attack

The attack detailed below has stopped (for the time being) and almost all network access for almost all customers have been restored. We're keeping this post and the timeline intact for posterity. Unless the attack resumes, we'll post a complete postmortem within 48 hours (so before Wednesday, March 26 at 11:00am central time).

Criminals have laid siege to our networks using what's called a distributed denial-of-service attack (DDoS) starting at 8:46 central time, March 24 2014. The goal is to make Basecamp, and the rest of our services, unavailable by flooding the network with bogus requests, so nothing legitimate can come through. This attack was launched together with a blackmail attempt that sought to have us pay to avoid this assault.

Note that this attack targets the network link between our servers and the internet. All the data is safe and sound, but nobody is able to get to it as long as the attack is being successfully executed. This is like a bunch of people

eduardoromero / separar_nombres_apellidos.php
Last active December 11, 2023 05:30
Tratando de separar nombres y apellidos de un campo. Se separa el nombre completo por palabras, se procesa cada palabra, si es una palabra que forma parte de un nombre o apellido compuesto se guarda para anexarla hasta el siguiente ciclo. Al final se tiene que tomar una decisión sobre que hacer para separar los nombres si son más de dos. Si son …
/* separar el nombre completo en espacios */
$tokens = explode(' ', trim($full_name));
/* arreglo donde se guardan las "palabras" del nombre */
$names = array();
/* palabras de apellidos (y nombres) compuetos */
$special_tokens = array('da', 'de', 'del', 'la', 'las', 'los', 'mac', 'mc', 'van', 'von', 'y', 'i', 'san', 'santa');
$prev = "";
pamelafox / kmlmap.html
Last active December 16, 2015 06:29
KML Gadget, Standalone HTML
<!doctype html>
body, html {
height: 100%;
width: 100%;
<div id=mapcontainer style="width: 100%; height: 100%;"></div>
ChaseFlorell / uriSchemeWithHyperlinkFallback.js
Last active February 21, 2023 11:22
Ever want to launch a mobile app from within the browser, but ensure that the browser still redirects the user to the link if the app isn't installed? This took some fiddling around, but when the "ah ha" moment hit, the solution is really quite simple.
// tries to execute the uri:scheme
function uriSchemeWithHyperlinkFallback(uri, href) {
// set up a timer and start it
var start = new Date().getTime(),
// attempt to redirect to the uri:scheme
// the lovely thing about javascript is that it's single threadded.
// if this WORKS, it'll stutter for a split second, causing the timer to be off
fjaguero / sql-prestashop-products.sql
Created February 26, 2013 10:21
Prestashop: SQL All Products
SELECT p.id_product,,, GROUP_CONCAT(DISTINCT( SEPARATOR ",") as categories, p.price, p.id_tax_rules_group, p.wholesale_price, p.reference, p.supplier_reference, p.id_supplier, p.id_manufacturer, p.upc, p.ecotax, p.weight, p.quantity, pl.description_short, pl.description, pl.meta_title, pl.meta_keywords, pl.meta_description, pl.link_rewrite, pl.available_now, pl.available_later, p.available_for_order, p.date_add, p.show_price, p.online_only, p.condition, p.id_shop_default
FROM ps_product p
LEFT JOIN ps_product_lang pl ON (p.id_product = pl.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_category_product cp ON (p.id_product = cp.id_product)
LEFT JOIN ps_category_lang cl ON (cp.id_category = cl.id_category)
LEFT JOIN ps_category c ON (cp.id_category = c.id_category)
LEFT JOIN ps_product_tag pt ON (p.id_product = pt.id_product)
WHERE pl.id_lang = 1
AND cl.id_lang = 1
AND p.id_shop_default = 1
pamelafox / browser.js
Created February 13, 2013 17:35
Browser banner warning
(function(wndw) {
var Browsers, OS, Platform, Versions, browser_name, browser_version, os, platform;
Versions = {
Firefox: /firefox\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
IE: /msie\s([\d\.]+[\d])/i,
Chrome: /chrome\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Safari: /version\/([\d\w\.\-]+)/i,
Ps3: /([\d\w\.\-]+)\)\s*$/i,
Psp: /([\d\w\.\-]+)\)?\s*$/i
zenkay / gist:3237860
Created August 2, 2012 15:19
Installation tips for RVM/Ruby on OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion

Ruby, RVM and Mountain Lion

Key problems

Mountain Lion (10.8) has three main difference compared to Lion (10.7):

  • XCode 4.4 does not install Command Line Tools by default
  • X11 isn't available anymore
  • The installed version of OpenSSL has some bugs

How to work around