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beshoo /
Created May 2, 2021 02:30 — forked from TheAhmedGad/
Add Arabic utf8 arabic ci Collation to MYSQL ENGINE

Support Arabic CI Collation

To make mysql understand Arabic letters synonyms like "أ" and "إ"

  • Run This to get Collation Path SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'character_sets_dir';

  • in /collation/path/Index.xml add this to <charset name="utf8"> section

beshoo / Encryption.js
Created June 2, 2019 21:58 — forked from ve3/Encryption.js
Encrypt and decrypt between programming languages (PHP & JavaScript).
* Encryption class for encrypt/decrypt that works between programming languages.
* @author Vee Winch.
* @link Reference.
* @link crypto-js.js can be download from here.
class Encryption {