Bosh is a powerful tool to install and manage your Cloud Virtual Machine workloads (VMs), referred to as “deployments”. You can find docs on // Consider using bosh create-env
tool to install to a Cloud of your choice a new Bosh Director.
Bosh uses a CPI (Cloud Provider Interface) to talk to the underlying IaaS/Cloud and manage Cloud workloads, just like a computer uses a driver to talk to a printer. CPIs are very similar to the Infrastructure Cloud Providers later implemented in the ClusterAPI technology, but Bosh abstractions apply to any scope of workloads where ClusterAPI is very restrictive, and Bosh concepts map the problem space better than ClusterAPI, reaching better efficiency in the convergence loop towards the expected (healthy) state of workloads.
Director, Stemcell, Release, Deployment, Instance, are words that have a very specific meaning in Bosh context, so we capitalize them here.