I hereby claim:
- I am BinaryKorra on github.
- I am binaryswap (https://keybase.io/binaryswap) on keybase.
- I have a public key whose fingerprint is 963B 049D 5CE8 56B3 C18F 0C5F AB50 F9A6 1FD3 0EAF
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
( C ) - Binary Mako, 09225205353
An ongoing project to catalogue all of these sneaky, hidden, bleeding edge selectors as I prepare my JSConf EU 2012 talk.
Everything is broken up by tag, but within each the selectors aren't particularly ordered.
I have not tested/verified all of these. Have I missed some or got it wrong? Let me know. - A
A friendly reminder that you may need to set this property on your target/selected element to get the styling results you want:
<?php | |
$_updateday = 3; | |
$_endofdays = 31; | |
$_monthsend = 12; | |
$_days = date("d"); | |
$_months = date("m"); | |
$_nowday; | |
$_nowmonth; | |
$_moddays; | |
if($_days >= $_endofdays){ |
<?php | |
function perMinute(){ | |
$_second = 1;//Double per 60 Seconds.. | |
$_halfmin = 30;//Change to 60 for 1 Minute.. | |
$_minute = $_second * $_halfmin; | |
sleep($_minute); | |
$_time = time(); | |
return($_time."\r\n"); | |
} | |
for($_i = 0;$_i <= 61;$_i++){ |
<?php | |
$_currentyear = date("Y"); | |
$_startingyear = "2016"; | |
$_timespan = abs($_startingyear - $_currentyear); | |
$_hash = []; | |
for($_i = 0;$_i <= $_timespan;$_i++){ | |
$_hash[] = ($_startingyear + $_i); | |
} | |
echo(join("\r\n",$_hash)); | |
?> |