I hereby claim:
- I am bkgoksel on github.
- I am bogac (https://keybase.io/bogac) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASB_fjYx740t2axxtI7JXhLcquWSc18Id-4_wjAVje4PrAo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
Bundles are immutable files/directories that represent the code, data, and results of an experimental pipeline. There are two ways to create bundles. First, users can upload bundles, datasets in any format or programs in any programming language. Second, users can create "run bundles" by executing shell commands that depend on the contents of previous bundles. A run bundle is specified by a set of bundle dependencies and an arbitrary shell command. This shell command is executed in a docker container in a directory with the dependencies. The contents of the run bundle are the files/directories which are written to the current directory by the shell command. In the end, the dependency graph over bundles precisely captures the research process in an immutable way.
The dependency graph above might result from the user doing the following from their own machine using the CodaLab CLI: