Install and run postgres:
brew install postgresql
initdb /usr/local/var/postgres -E utf8
postgres -D /usr/local/var/postgres
# keep this console open
-- Thanks | |
select 'Create Sequence '||sequence_name|| | |
' increment by '||increment_by|| | |
' start with '||last_number|| | |
' maxvalue '||max_value|| | |
decode(cycle_flag,'N',' NOCYCLE ',' CYCLE ')|| | |
decode(cache_size,0,'NOCACHE ','CACHE '||cache_size) | |
from user_sequences; | |
ductはClojureでWebアプリケーションを開発するためのテンプレートであり、小さなライブラリです。 | |
* [Getting Started](./ | |
* [設定](./ | |
* [サービス境界(boundaries)](./ | |
* [互換性のあるライブラリ](./ |
(try (/ 1 0) | |
(catch Exception e | |
(println (clojure.string/join "\n " (cons (str e(.getMessage e)) (map str (.getStackTrace e))))))) |
module Hoge | |
def self.included(klass) | |
klass.extend ClassMethods | |
end | |
module ClassMethods | |
def foo | |
p 'foo' | |
end |
(defn- 西暦->和暦 [西暦] | |
(let [year (read-string 西暦)] | |
(cond | |
;; 平成 | |
(<= 0 (- year 1988)) | |
{:和暦 "平成" | |
:年 (- year 1988)} | |
;; 昭和 | |
(<= 0 (- year 1925)) | |
{:和暦 "昭和" |
WITH | |
sessions AS ( | |
*, | |
ROW_NUMBER() OVER (PARTITION BY anonymous_id ORDER BY sent_at ASC) AS rn | |
FROM | |
`your-project.your_dataset.pages` ), | |
first_page AS ( | |
* |
(ns main | |
(:require [ :as io]) | |
(:import [org.apache.pdfbox.pdmodel PDDocument] | |
[org.apache.pdfbox.text PDFTextStripper])) | |
(defn extract-string [src] | |
(with-open [doc (->> src PDDocument/load)] | |
(->> doc (.getText (PDFTextStripper.))))) |