## Named Imports from CJS via Property Delegation

import {readFile} from "fs";

* Not in the cards
  * Codegen order of operations issue
  * Deopts ala `with` for all imports even ESM<->ESM
  * Causes Temporal Dead Zone (TDZ) for any non-default CJS import

## Async Loader

* Web-like
  * Browsers preserve order of evaluation but do not guarantee sync SourceTextModuleRecord ModuleEvaluation
  * Browsers fetch/parse async prior to starting any ESM graph loading
* Allows for gaps in evaluation phase / top level await
  * Would be a standard synchronization system for Web and Node both
* Works on existing spec w/o changes
* Avoids a TDZ in circular deps

a (CJS) -> b 
b (ESM) -> a

If `b` is async (wrapped in a Promise) `a` cannot access the shape of `b` including any dynamic shaping of `a`. This is important if a loader wants to be able to have CJS able create it's shape at runtime (a route for limited named imports from CJS).

If this was sync CJS would have to *always* unconditionally have an exact shape of `{default}` to avoid TDZ issues. No solution exists for a loader to mutate the shape afterwards.

If async, a loader could produce a MITM ESM *in theory* that has the ability to have named imports w/o a TDZ. Such a MITM ESM would require usage of setter functions to update the live bindings and would not be for the faint of heart unfortunately, but possible even w/o Proxies.

## Sync Loader

* CJS-like
  * Node has always sync loading mandate for CJS
* Babel-like*
  * `require("esm")` only has minor changes from Babel@6.
  * does not have same mutation qualities of Babel Modules (BM)
  * variables are always live unlike BM
* Needs https://github.com/caridy/proposal-dynamic-modules to introduce lazy/late linking
  * Introduces a linking TDZ in loader
    * See example about TDZ in circular deps for some context
    * `import {non_existant} from "CJS";` would throw at ModuleEvaluation not ModuleDeclarationInstanciation. Which leads to partial graph eval due to linking error (not possible in current spec).