3:30 nice to be up in San Francisco um so are we talking about um what I think is really exciting 3:37 development um in mathematics it's going to shape our future um which is really 3:42 the uh um the development over the last few years of lots of Technologies to have to to make uh machines and 3:49 computers um um help us do math um much more effectively um now this some to 3:57 some ense this is not new um we haveed used both machines and computers and I I use the terms slightly differently um
barton@grothendieck ~ % flox activate
flox [default] barton@grothendieck ~ % julia
_ _ _(_)_ | Documentation: https://docs.julialang.org
(_) | (_) (_) |
_ _ _| |_ __ _ | Type "?" for help, "]?" for Pkg help.
| | | | | | |/ _` | |
| | |_| | | | (_| | | Version 1.10.0 (2023-12-25)
_/ |\__'_|_|_|\__'_| | Official https://julialang.org/ release
(define (filter? exp) | |
(or (list-value? exp) | |
(not? exp))) | |
(define (conjoin conjuncts frame-stream) | |
(conjoin-mix conjuncts '() frame-stream)) | |
(define (conjoin-mix conjs delayed-conjs frame-stream) | |
(if (null? conjs) | |
(if (null? delayed-conjs) |
remote: Enumerating objects: 921, done. | |
remote: Counting objects: 100% (332/332), done. | |
remote: Compressing objects: 100% (146/146), done. | |
remote: Total 921 (delta 208), reused 230 (delta 180), pack-reused 589 | |
Receiving objects: 100% (921/921), 5.98 MiB | 6.46 MiB/s, done. | |
Resolving deltas: 100% (588/588), completed with 21 local objects. | |
From github.com:ollama-webui/ollama-webui | |
76139fc..26f7a1c main -> origin/main | |
880f58e..02f364b dev -> origin/dev | |
Updating 76139fc..26f7a1c |
In the quest to understand the profound implications of the trivial n-th cohomology group in computational complexity and cohomology, one must navigate the intricate topology of theoretical landscapes, beautified by the elegance of algebraic structures.
A cohomology group is generally constituted by these boundaries and cycles within an algebraic context. The triviality of an n-th cohomology group, specifically when the group is zero, indicates that every n-cycle is a boundary of some (n+1)-chain within the given complex. This embodies the notion that, computationally speaking, there are no holes or features of interest that survives through time or across a certain dimension that the group is indexing [1].
Significantly, in computational complexity, a trivial homology or cohomology group could greatly simplify the computational algorithms, such as those used in persistent homology. Such simplifications are due to the lack of intricate structure
(jarvis-py3.10) barton@metawankerwasm rickrudin % python main.py pygame 2.5.2 (SDL 2.28.3, Python 3.10.11) Hello from the pygame community. https://www.pygame.org/contribute.html Quantum sensor observing... Done foliating Finished transcribing in 0.82 seconds. Finished generating response in 3.10 seconds. Finished generating audio in 16.90 seconds. Speaking...
This invention pertains to a system and methodology for compositional active inference and collaborative prompt engineering within the domain of generative artificial intelligence (AI), with a focus on large language models. It facilitates the crafting and refining of compositional prompts that direct AI to generate specific desired outputs, fostering an iterative, collaborative approach.
Thank you very much for coming to our workshop. | |
Thank you, Mr. Joseph. | |
I'm super happy to be here. | |
I'm a bit of an imposter. | |
I know nearly nothing about neuroscience. |
# 2023-12-30 | |
# The Toy Duck | |
- enclosure: 🦆 rubber toy IP67 water-resistant | |
- speaker / mic: 🔊 - no speaker yet | |
- firmware: TBD | |
- network: wifi | |
- Battery Charging over Usb c | |
## The Duckling Endocortex | |
prototype: keep on your desk or in a playground |
Thank you very much for coming to our workshop.
Thank you, Mr. Joseph.
I'm super happy to be here.
I'm a bit of an imposter.
I know nearly nothing about neuroscience.