I hereby claim:
- I am vb078 on github.
- I am vincentb (https://keybase.io/vincentb) on keybase.
- I have a public key ASA6QirHYJQbC_8GsOjVfHL3Ve36QL_6n-5EXpd5pl5F0Qo
To claim this, I am signing this object:
{"0.8803094983355128":"-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\nCharset: UTF-8\r\n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\r\n/ptf9MNQeAerG3rXWpJfhrEQ7GeZQWpSmQ==\r\n=KEqS\r\n-----END PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\n","0.8034028920625697":"-----BEGIN PGP PUBLIC KEY BLOCK-----\r\nCharset: UTF-8\r\n\r\nxv8AAABSBAAAAAATCCqGSM49AwEHAgMEXvhqWcTtezboWQx4Nq4Hp4QDA+ZyuIlu\r\nzAwUMO++EpnNFmvAHXLHTXNIaZDjcAgktMa0SpCUkRSIjX1vY0ybCM3/AAAACDxn\r\naXRodWI+wv8AAACOBB |
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
I hereby claim:
To claim this, I am signing this object:
# ADB SCRCPY via wifi | |
# https://github.com/Genymobile/scrcpy | |
#### DEPENDENCIE (notifications) | |
#### https://github.com/vlevit/notify-send.sh | |
export SCRCPY_CMD="scrcpy --always-on-top --power-off-on-close --shortcut-mod=lctrl --stay-awake --turn-screen-off" | |
export ANDROID_IDD="<YOUR ANDROID ID HERE>" # LIKE h73p2zed > $adb devices (when android is USB connected) | |
notify-send.sh "SCRCPY_WIFI" "\-\- Start : $ANDROID_IDD" --icon="scrcpy" -t 8000 |
#!/bin/bash | |
# DO Close all windows in current/active app | |
# USAGE Keyboard Shortcut Ctrl+Alt+W (like macOS) | |
# SOURCE https://www.tuxtips.info/linux/how-to-close-all-open-windows-in-linux ( close ALL) | |
# SOURCE https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/588813 ( search only current app ) | |
for n in $(xdotool search -class $(xdotool getactivewindow getwindowclassname) | awk $2 '!/-1/ {print $1}') | |
do | |
wmctrl -i -c $n; | |
done |
#!/bin/bash | |
# DO Change track with playerctl + notify ! | |
# USE Keyboard_media_key => "this_script.sh OPT_1 OPT_2" | |
# OPT_1 play, playpause, next, previous, infos | |
# OPT_2 no_notifiy ( disable notif ) | |
# OPT_3/2 target ( app name ) | |
## EX: player_playerctl_next_prev_notify.sh playpause spotify | |
# FIX If not works => use xtool search app xith its $classname | |
# VAR $classname "WebApp-Bandcamp6262" cf. $currentapp | |
# VAR app classname ... change w/ your need ==> use `wmctrl -lx` to list all |
#!/bin/bash | |
# DO : Get Youtube metadatas ( description + med_thumbnail ) | |
# DO : dwl img using curl + copy description to clipboard | |
# HOW = using Youte + Google API | |
# USAGE = youte_youtube_infos_API.sh https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7_22jCiq4nk | |
# USAGE = youte_youtube_infos_API.sh 7_22jCiq4nk # <- id only | |
# USAGE = youte_youtube_infos_API.sh 7_22jCiq4nk img # <- img only | |
# TODO : search_replace "~/Bureau/YT/" -> Your Destination folder ! | |
# TODO : mkdir ~/Bureau/YT/ |
#!/bin/bash | |
# DO Convert all vidéos files in all sub-folders (batch) with ffmpeg | |
# DEP ffmpeg | |
# TODO Change quality (-crf) + output file_name.ext | |
# OPT "ffmpeg_batch_subfolders_each.sh infos" => GIVE ffmpeg files infos only... | |
# GIST https://gist.github.com/bonnebulle/907026a0f96d8497fa63dc15472b07ce | |
echo "Carefull, will find all files in sub-folders and move them here =" | |
pwd | |
echo ": */**.mkv" |