knife cookbook site vendor -d ntp
Use chef-solo to launch ntp...
Start the demo by launching three EC2 instances then tell the audience that this will take about 3 minutes. Also explain that we not only starting the instances we are also bootstrapping it with the Chef client (Easy Peasy)...
Sample Script
ami-4a0df923 - Ubuntu 10.04 - 64 Bit - EBS Instance (t1.micro) ami-480df921 - Ubuntu 10.04 - 32 Bit - EBS Instance (m1.small)
ec2-run-instances ami-480df921 --instance-type m1.small --region us-east-1 --key botchagalupe -g default -g wordpress
iinst=knife ec2 server list | grep running | grep wordpress | awk '{print $2}'
Install Xcode on your workstation
If you haven't already, install Xcode using your OS X install disc or by downloading it from here.
First, check to see if your operating system already has RubyGems 1.3.5+ installed by running the following: