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function main(args, namedArgs)
// FIXME: This code should be in Objective-J.
var args = window.location.hash.replace("#", "").split("/").slice(0),
searchParams ="&");
namedArgs = [CPDictionary dictionary];
for(var i=0, count = args.length; i<count; i++)
args[i] = decodeURIComponent(args[i]);
boucher / gist:9714
Created September 9, 2008 17:28
var checkboxImage,
@implementation CheckboxButton : CPButton
BOOL _isChecked;
var NSConstantValueExpressionType = 1 << 0,
NSEvaluatedObjectExpressionType = 1 << 1,
NSVariableExpressionType = 1 << 2,
NSKeyPathExpressionType = 1 << 3,
NSFunctionExpressionType = 1 << 4;
diff --git a/AppKit/CPTextField.j b/AppKit/CPTextField.j
index f1ba2d3..d3938d7 100644
--- a/AppKit/CPTextField.j
+++ b/AppKit/CPTextField.j
@@ -97,15 +97,17 @@ var _CPTextFieldSquareBezelColor = nil;
@implementation CPTextField : CPControl
+ id _delegate;
- (void)drawInContext:(CGContext)aContext
var bounds = CGRectInset([self bounds], 5.0, 5.0),
theClass = [self class];
bounds.origin.x -= 1.0;
CGContextSetStrokeColor(aContext, [theClass shadowColor]);
diff --git a/AppKit/CPTextField.j b/AppKit/CPTextField.j
index 2737de9..6e2c32d 100644
--- a/AppKit/CPTextField.j
+++ b/AppKit/CPTextField.j
@@ -468,7 +468,8 @@ var _CPTextFieldSquareBezelColor = nil;
var CPTextFieldIsSelectableKey = @"CPTextFieldIsSelectableKey",
CPTextFieldLineBreakModeKey = @"CPTextFieldLineBreakModeKey",
- CPTextFieldStringValueKey = @"CPTextFieldStringValueKey";
+ CPTextFieldStringValueKey = @"CPTextFieldStringValueKey",
// FileUpload.j
// Editor
// Created by Francisco Tolmasky on 03/04/08.
// Copyright 2005 - 2008, 280 North, Inc. All rights reserved.
import <Foundation/CPObject.j>
import <Foundation/CPValue.j>
- (void)_replaceSetters
var rootClass = [_targetObject class],
currentClass = rootClass;
while (currentClass && currentClass != currentClass.super_class)
var methodList = currentClass.method_list,
count = methodList.length;
- (void) notifyForKey: (NSString *)aKey ofInstance: (id)instance prior: (BOOL)f
unsigned count;
id oldValue;
id newValue;
if (f == YES)
if ((allOptions & NSKeyValueObservingOptionPrior) == 0)
//objective j code here
}, 100);