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Bram Gerritsen bramstroker

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use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
trait CampsiteTrait
* @ORM\Column(name="campsiteID", type="integer", precision=0, nullable=false)
* @var int $campsiteID
protected $campsiteID = null;
bramstroker / TaggableMemcached.php
Created February 12, 2013 13:33
TaggableMemcached storage adapter
* Memcached storage adapter with tag support
* @category AcsiBase
* @package AcsiBase\Cache
* @copyright 2012 ACSI Holding bv (
* @version SVN: $Id$
class MyService
private $repo;
public function __construct(ObjectRepository $repo)
$this->repo = $repo;
* PoiProviderInterface
* @category AcsiMap
* @package AcsiMap\Poi
* @copyright 2013 ACSI Holding bv (
* @version SVN: $Id$
* This action return content for the balloon popups on the map
* @return ViewModel
public function balloonAction()
$reference = $this->params()->fromQuery('reference');
$type = $this->params()->fromQuery('type');
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* CampsiteController
* @category AcsiCampsite
* @package AcsiCampsite\Api
* @copyright 2013 ACSI Holding bv (
* @version SVN: $Id$
Status Code: 500 Internal Server Error
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[09:43] <bramstroker> Hi, does composer provide some option to use 'prefer-source' for a particular package and 'prefer-dist' for all other packages?
[09:45] <bramstroker> My question arrises because I want to subclass Zend Framework 2 classes in my own testsuite, but the tests directory is ignored for export (ignore-export in .gitattributes).
[09:46] <bramstroker> prefer-source for all packages is not really an option because I don't need all the VCS overhead on my build server and composer install will take like 15 minutes.
[09:55] <ocramius> bramstroker: you shouldn't import classes from the zf2 test suite, they're not reusable code
[09:58] <bramstroker> @ocramius, I've created my own cache storage adapter and ZF2 provides a CommonAdapterTest, so it seems common sense to me to extend from it instead of duplicating the code into my own library.
[09:59] <ocramius> bramstroker: yes, but the test suite is not stable
[10:01] <bramstroker> ocramius: ok. that's a good argument.
[10:01] <bramstroker> So only opti