
I'm [stoked](http://giphy.com/gifs/happy-excited-clapping-rxoBSOU6O0SEo) to have the opportunity to give out a free ticket (normally 350 euro / 400 usd) to the upcoming Reactive Conference in Slovakia! Sure if you live outside of Europe the flight could be costly, but if you're within Europe you could probably just sacrifice a bit of your dignity to Ryanair (EasyJet also accepts pride/dignity as valid currency).

### More details please

- You create and open source a React Native app to view the schedule for the conference
- Share it with me on Twitter @notbrent.
- In one week (Monday October 12) we gather submission and submit to vote over the following 24 hours
- Winner gets to choose between a free ticket to conference (not including flight/hotel) or a signed portrait of everyone's favourite React Native celeb @vjeux. Second place is given whichever prize the first place winner did not take.

### Give me something to start with please

- I put together a simple JSON file with the schedule which you can get [here](https://gist.github.com/brentvatne/9d41865768f1726baa21) - but you might want to add to it by including speaker information and additional details for each talk.
- A good app to look at for reference is the Facebook F8 app, which was also made in React Native.

*Please note that I am not trying to be a cheapo and farm out the work of making this app in exchange for a conference ticket - I have no affiliation with the conference other than them having accepted a proposal for me to speak there. They did not ask me to do this contest, I just thought it would be fun. They did however provide me with a free ticket to distribute to readers however I see fit, and this is how I see fit.*