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Dhanasekaran Anbalagan bugcy013

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A Kaizen Action Plan is a structured approach to continuous improvement, often used to identify and implement small, incremental changes that improve processes. Here’s how you can frame it using the 5W1H (Why, What, Who, How, Where, and When) method:

1. Why (Reason for the Improvement):

  • Why are we doing this?
    • The goal of the Kaizen action plan is to improve efficiency, reduce waste, and optimize processes. Continuous improvements help in maintaining competitive advantage, reducing errors, enhancing customer satisfaction, and improving employee engagement.

2. What (Objective of the Action Plan):

  • What is the focus of this improvement?
    • Identify the specific area, process, or operation that requires improvement. This could involve improving workflow, eliminating unnecessary steps, improving communication, reducing cycle time, or optimizing resource allocation.
bugcy013 /
Created August 16, 2024 06:18 — forked from benfasoli/
Limit concurrency with Python asyncio
import asyncio
from typing import Coroutine, List, Sequence
def _limit_concurrency(
coroutines: Sequence[Coroutine], concurrency: int
) -> List[Coroutine]:
"""Decorate coroutines to limit concurrency.
Enforces a limit on the number of coroutines that can run concurrently in higher

GitLab Security Pipeline Demo

This READMEexplains the whole process, from start to finish, on how to setup a custom Security Pipeline using GitLab. The starting point is a an already vulnerable application, for this example will be used.

The repo is cloned and pushed as-is in a new GitLab Project (empty). The first thing to do is enable a runner for our pipeline, this can be done in the Settings -> CI/CD section of the project

Table of Contents

  1. Add default SAST
  2. Customize Stages
bugcy013 /
Created December 21, 2023 06:26 — forked from vfarcic/
# Source:
# Is CUE The Perfect Language For Kubernetes Manifests? #
# #
# Additional Info:
# - Cue:
# - Helm vs Kustomize - The Fight Between Templating and Patching in Kubernetes:
var res = pm.response.json();
pm.environment.set('token', res.token);
def lambda_handler(event, context):
return "hello, world!!"
bugcy013 /
Created October 3, 2022 17:26 — forked from psa-jforestier/
List all inactive user of a GitHub organization using GitHub API
List all inactive user of a GitHub organization
See --help for usage.
Partially inspired by
import sys # to use sys.stdout
import os
from datetime import datetime
from time import strftime
import datetime
bugcy013 / Security
Created September 9, 2022 06:50
People in the security space love acronyms! Just saying some of these out loud makes your infrastructure more secure.


Asset Identification, part of the SCAP standard, is a language that provides a data model for identifying assets, methods for identifying assets, and guidance on how to use asset identification.


The Asset Reporting Format, part of the SCAP standard, is a language that expresses the transport format of information about assets, and the relationships between assets and reports. It is also often called Result DataStream because it is complementary to Source DataStream.


Common Configuration Enumeration, part of the SCAP standard, is an enumeration of security relevant configuration elements for applications and operation systems.


# This is a basic workflow to help you get started with Actions
name: Workflow-1
# Controls when the workflow will run
description: 'Workflow2 Name for Triggering'