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Siva byteshiva

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jehiah /
Created March 4, 2011 16:56
a simple way to parse shell script arguments
# a simple way to parse shell script arguments
# please edit and use to your hearts content
andyhd / maybe-monad.js
Created January 16, 2012 01:02
Maybe monad in Javascript
function maybe(value) {
var obj = null;
function isEmpty() { return value === undefined || value === null }
function nonEmpty() { return !isEmpty() }
obj = {
map: function (f) { return isEmpty() ? obj : maybe(f(value)) },
getOrElse: function (n) { return isEmpty() ? n : value },
isEmpty: isEmpty,
nonEmpty: nonEmpty
johanneswuerbach /
Last active September 29, 2024 21:04
Provision a vagrant box with ruby stable (using rvm), postgres, redis and node (using nvm)
#!/usr/bin/env bash
sudo locale-gen en_US.UTF-8
sudo update-locale LANG=en_US.UTF-8
sudo update-locale LC_ALL=en_US.UTF-8
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y build-essential git curl libxslt1-dev libxml2-dev libssl-dev
# postgres
johndstein / ansible_nvm_node.yml
Created June 7, 2014 02:31
Ansible task to install nvm and node
# Here is how to install nvm and node in an Ansible task.
# I tried a bunch of different things, and as usual it's simple, but you have to get it right.
# The important part is that you have to shell with /bin/bash -c and source
- name: Install nvm
shell: >
curl | sh
creates=/home/{{ ansible_user_id }}/.nvm/
- name: Install node and set version
staltz /
Last active March 15, 2025 15:45
The introduction to Reactive Programming you've been missing
amatiasq / curry.js
Last active January 7, 2025 08:27
Simple way to recursively curry javascript functions
* @param {Function} fn Function to curry.
* @param {Number} lenght The arguments required to invoke the function. Optional. By default is fn.length
* @returns {Function} The currified function.
function curry(fn, length) {
length = length || fn.length;
return function currified() {
var args = [];
komuw / install NVM and nodeJS.yml
Created November 20, 2014 17:40
Ansible task to install nvm and nodeJS
#first seen here:
# Here is how to install nvm and node in an Ansible task.
# I tried a bunch of different things, and as usual it's simple, but you have to get it right.
# The important part is that you have to shell with /bin/bash -c and source
- name: Install nvm
shell: >
curl | sh
creates=/home/{{ ansible_user_id }}/.nvm/
renestalder /
Last active February 6, 2025 09:56
Unfollow all on Facebook

Facebook: Unfollow people and pages

See comments section for more up-to-date versions of the script. The original script is from 2014 and will not work as is.

  1. Open news feed preferences on your Facebook menu (browser)
  2. Click people or pages
  3. Scroll down (or click see more) until your full list is loaded
  4. Run the script in your browser console

Facebook will block this feature for you while you use it, depending on how much entities you try to unfollow. It automatically unblocks in a couple of hours and you will be able to continue.

mremond / README
Last active May 4, 2020 16:57
Phoenix Elixir framework with ejabberd - Tutorial
Please read original blog post for reference:
jaceklaskowski /
Last active February 20, 2025 16:38
Choosing a deployment tool - ansible vs puppet vs chef vs salt


  • no upfront installation/agents on remote/slave machines - ssh should be enough
  • application components should use third-party software, e.g. HDFS, Spark's cluster, deployed separately
  • configuration templating
  • environment requires/asserts, i.e. we need a JVM in a given version before doing deployment
  • deployment process run from Jenkins
