# Display improvements for the Corne-ish Zen keyboard

This note details the changes made to the Zen and ZMK codebase to improve the experience of e-ink displays.

## Getting the changes
You can test out below changes using your Zen config repo by modifying your `config/west.yml` file, following [ZMK instructions](https://zmk.dev/docs/features/beta-testing):
    - name: caksoylar
      url-base: https://github.com/caksoylar
    - name: zmk
      remote: caksoylar
      revision: caksoylar/zen-v1+v2  # custom branch name
      import: app/west.yml
    path: config
...or alternatively, you can cherry-pick specific commits noted below to your own fork of ZMK.

### Branches
The improvements for Corne-ish Zen v2 (for R3 of the GB) and v1 (R1/R2 GB) are in the [`caksoylar/zen-v1+v2`](https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commits/caksoylar/zen-v1+v2) branch of my ZMK fork. (Note that you need to use `corneish_zen_v1_left` and `corneish_zen_v1_right` as the board names when building for v1.)

**2024-12-09 edit:** I removed `caksoylar/zen-v1+v2+experimental` branch because mouse keys are now in ZMK `main` and thus supported in `caksoylar/zen-v1+v2`.

> **Warning** ⚠️:
> Going forward I will only maintain combined v1+v2 branches and not v2-only branches like `caksoylar/zen-v2` and `caksoylar/zen-v2+mouse`.

## Details of improvements
Below are the details of improvements, some are always in effect and some require setting corresponding config to be enabled, as detailed below.

1. Avoid unnecessarily refreshing the battery level widget (reduce ghosting)
    - https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/65ddbe3
2. Tweak battery level thresholds so the battery levels are more "accurate"
    - https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/0b55166
3. Add option to hide layer changes that are momentary (using `&mo`, `&lt` etc.) from the layer widget (reduces the number of partial refreshes)
    - https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/c5db4d2 and https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/e2d9519
    - Add `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_HIDE_MOMENTARY_LAYERS=y` to your `corneish_zen.conf` file to enable
4. Add a periodic full display refresh (to clear up ghosting) using zmkfirmware/zmk#969
    - https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/4c79085
    - Add `CONFIG_ZMK_DISPLAY_FULL_REFRESH_PERIOD=N` to your `corneish_zen.conf` file to refresh every `N` seconds
5. Add option to invert displays to white-on-black instead of black-on-white
    - https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/25a1d80
    - Add `CONFIG_IL0323_INVERT=y` to your `corneish_zen.conf` file to enable
6. Add option to hide the "LAYER" heading in the layer widget and realign all widgets
    - https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/eb0a2df
    - Add `CONFIG_CUSTOM_WIDGET_LAYER_STATUS_HIDE_HEADING=y` to your `corneish_zen.conf` file to enable
7. Add options to select different logo images to replace the "Corne-ish Zen" logo on the right half, from @manna-harbour:
    - https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk/commit/3f8e1b5
    - `CONFIG_CUSTOM_WIDGET_LOGO_IMAGE_ZMK=y` for ZMK logo instead of Zen
8. Add option to enable @aumuell's driver tweak to reduce ghosting for partial refreshes
    - https://github.com/zmkfirmware/zmk/commit/08c307b
    - This causes a different fading pattern on partial refreshes, with vertical/horizontal banding rather than full screen. However it can make the fading stronger for some screens
    - Add `CONFIG_IL0323_ALTERNATIVE_REFRESH=y` to your `corneish_zen.conf` to enable

## Contact
Feel free to contact me on Discord `bravekarma#4601` or you can open an issue in https://github.com/caksoylar/zmk as well.