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calmyournerves /
Last active August 13, 2023 20:51
Building git-annex on OS X 10.9 Mavericks
# make sure the following is installed:
# - Xcode Command Line Tools (xcode-select --install)
# - OpenSSL from homebrew (brew install openssl && brew link openssl --force)
# dependencies and preparations
brew update
brew install git ossp-uuid md5sha1sum coreutils pcre gnutls libidn gsasl pkg-config libxml2
brew link libxml2 --force
brew tap darinmorrison/haskell
brew install darinmorrison/haskell/cabal-install
### Keybase proof
I hereby claim:
* I am calmyournerves on github.
* I am calmyournerves ( on keybase.
* I have a public key whose fingerprint is 4257 17C7 46EA A498 7C04 C50A DD7B F732 79CA A4A6
To claim this, I am signing this object: