I can't claim to be a particularly energy-conscious human being. I drive my car infrequently and I try to buy local comestibles, but for purely selfish reasons. I sometimes leave the lights on, and yesterday I noticed that I turn on the faucet to rinse my toothbrush well before I've finished brushing. My point is that I don't think about saving energy a lot, but listen to this...
We humans do a lot of things in the world. Most of the things we do, we do in order to be happy (in a broad sense). Now, it's obvious that all of the things we do have an energy cost: they take time, and we have to eat; they often happen someplace else, so we have to get there; they frequently involve other people, so we have to coordinate and plan; sometimes there are materials involved that require energy to create and acquire. All of that time and movement and activity requires food and gas and electricity. Finally, we get there, do the thing, achieve some happiness (maybe), and start the whole cycle over again. It's continuous,