[attaching this to a CloudFlare survey why I left them (for DNSimple)]
I was a free user using CloudFlare only for DNS, chiefly because it can simulate CNAME at an apex domain.
The apex domains mathdown.net,mathdown.com point to mathdown-cben.rhcloud.com.
Cloudflare "CNAME-flattening" nicely returns an A record;
unfortunately it's served with a huge TTL of 7 days(!), which causes a long outage when the underlying IP changes.
I asked support how I can lower the TTL (BTW it's great that you provide free support at all) and was told [https://support.cloudflare.com/hc/en-us/requests/522551, emphasis mine]:
This is based on the TTL of your authoritative provider for mathdown-cben.rhcloud.com: