Take for example this simplified pseudo code for hackernews ingest.
import requests
def get_post(id):
return requests.get(f"https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/{id}.json?print=pretty").json()
[ | |
{ | |
"name": "SofleKeyboard", | |
"author": "Josef Adamcik", | |
"switchMount": "cherry" | |
}, | |
[ | |
{ | |
"y": 0.2, | |
"x": 3, |
import bs4 as bs | |
import urllib.request | |
import time | |
import trieve_python_client as trieve | |
from trieve_python_client.api_client import ApiClient | |
from trieve_python_client.rest import ApiException | |
from trieve_python_client.configuration import Configuration | |
api_key = "tr-********************************" | |
dataset_id = "************************************" |
import os | |
import csv | |
from trieve_client import AuthenticatedClient | |
from trieve_client.api.chunk import update_chunk | |
from trieve_client.models import UpdateChunkData, ReturnCreatedChunk | |
from trieve_client.models.error_response_body import ErrorResponseBody | |
use diesel_async::RunQueryDsl; | |
struct A; | |
impl A { | |
fn first() { | |
print!("hi"); | |
} | |
} | |
fn main() { |
API_URL="http://api.trieve.ai/api" | |
API_KEY="tr-***************" | |
ORGANIZATION_ID="************************************" | |
# Optional | |
DATASET_ID="*************" # If doesn't exist, will make one from the organization ID | |
# If QDRANT information doesn't exist, it just uses the defaults in trieve | |
QDRANT_URL="https://<my-qdrant-ip>:6334" | |
QDRANT_API_KEY="my-qdrant-api-key" |
import * as fs from "fs"; | |
import * as readline from "readline"; | |
import * as path from "path"; | |
import { ChunkApi, Configuration } from "@devflowinc/trieve-js-ts-client"; | |
interface LanguageTaggedValue { | |
language_tag: string; | |
value: string; | |
} |
#!/usr/bin/env bash | |
NODESAPI=/api/v1/nodes | |
function getNodes() { | |
kubectl get --raw $NODESAPI | jq -r '.items[].metadata.name' | |
} | |
function getPVCs() { | |
jq -s '[flatten | .[].pods[].volume[]? | select(has("pvcRef")) | '\ |
<!DOCTYPE html> | |
<html lang="en"> | |
<head> | |
<meta charset="UTF-8"> | |
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0"> | |
<title>cdxker</title> | |
<script src="https://cdn.tailwindcss.com"></script> | |
<style> |
wrk https://api.trieve.ai/api/chunk/search -t12 -d30s -c800 -s post_search.lua |
Take for example this simplified pseudo code for hackernews ingest.
import requests
def get_post(id):
return requests.get(f"https://hacker-news.firebaseio.com/v0/item/{id}.json?print=pretty").json()