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chemputer / RemoveJunk.ps1
Last active October 22, 2019 10:07 — forked from HauptJ/RemoveJunk.ps1
Powershell script to remove junk apps bundled in Windows 10
# Powershell script to remove shit features bundled in Windows 10
# Removes junk bundled with Windows 10
# App list:
# King shit:
# Author: Joshua Haupt [email protected] Date: 19.12.2017
# Original gist:
# Author: Ben Turner [email protected] 10.22.2019
# Added ability to remove Hidden City and Disable "Consumer Experience", removed the line that removed the "people"
# app, as it failed due to being a system app.
chemputer /
Last active June 22, 2024 20:03 — forked from chrisvaughn/
Install FFmpeg with libfdk_aac support (For Ubuntu)
# Criando um script .sh para executar todos os comandos:
#root@servidor:~# vi
#root@servidor:~# chmod +x
#root@servidor:~# ./
apt-get update
apt-get -y install autoconf automake build-essential git-core libass-dev libgpac-dev libsdl1.2-dev libtheora-dev libtool libvdpau-dev libvorbis-dev libx11-dev libxext-dev libxfixes-dev pkg-config texi2html zlib1g-dev libmp3lame-dev nasm gcc yasm && true
mkdir ~/ffmpeg_sources
cd ~/ffmpeg_sources
git clone --depth 1 git://