# List all tables:
select db_id, id, name, sum(rows) as mysum 
from stv_tbl_perm where db_id = 100546 
group by db_id, id, name order by mysum desc;

# list all running processes:
select pid, query from stv_recents where status = 'Running';

# describe table
select * from PG_TABLE_DEF where tablename='audit_trail';

select * from pg_tables where schemaname = 'public' 

# Disk space used:
select sum(used-tossed) as used, sum(capacity) as capacity from stv_partitions

# Query log
select query, starttime , substring from svl_qlog where substring like '%tbl_name%' 
order by starttime desc limit 50;

# command history
select * from stl_ddltext where text like '%ox_data_summary_hourly_depot%' limit 10

# last load errors
select starttime, filename, err_reason from stl_load_errors order by starttime desc limit 100

select filename, count(*) as cnt from stl_load_errors group by filename

# create table from another table
select * into newevent from event;

# Check how columns are compressed

If you insert, update, or delete a significant number of rows in a table, run the ANALYZE and VACUUM commands against the table. 
"analyze compression tbl_name" command produce a report with the suggested column encoding.

# To find and diagnose load errors for table 'event'
create view loadview as
(select distinct tbl, trim(name) as table_name, query, starttime,
trim(filename) as input, line_number, field, err_code,
trim(err_reason) as reason
from stl_load_errors sl, stv_tbl_perm sp
where sl.tbl = sp.id);
select * from loadview where table_name='event';

# Query to find blocks used
select stv_tbl_perm.name, count(*)
from stv_blocklist, stv_tbl_perm
where stv_blocklist.tbl = stv_tbl_perm.id
and stv_blocklist.slice = stv_tbl_perm.slice
group by stv_tbl_perm.name
order by stv_tbl_perm.name;

Load tips:
# While loading data you can specify "empty as null", "blanks as null" allow "max error 5", "ignore blank lines", "remove quotes", "use zip". Use the keywords: emptyasnull blanksasnull maxerror 5 ignoreblanklines removequotes gzip
# use NULL AS '\000' to fix the import from specific files
# use BLANKASNULL in the original COPY statement so that no empty strings are loaded into VARCHAR fields which might ultimately be converted to numeric fields. 
# Use the NOLOAD keyword with a COPY command to validate the data in the input files before actually loading the data.
# use COMPUPDATE to enable automatic compression
# FILLRECORD to fill missing columns at the end with blanks or NULLs
# TRIMBLANKS Removes the trailing whitespace characters from a VARCHAR string.
# ESCAPE the backslash character (\) in input data is treated as an escape character. (useful for delimiters and embedded newlines)
# ROUNDEC a value of 20.259 is loaded into a DECIMAL(8,2) column is changed to 20.26. or else 20.25
# TRUNCATECOLUMNS Truncates data in columns to the appropriate number.
# IGNOREHEADER to ignore first row


If you are using JDBC, can you try adding the keepalive option to your connect string. E.g.,
You can have AUTOCOMMIT set in your Workbench client.

In order to avoid timeout error while using workbench on Windows, use the following setting:
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\KeepAliveTime 30000
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\KeepAliveInterval 1000
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\Tcpip\Parameters\TcpMaxDataRetransmission 10

# Consider using DISTKEY and SORTKEY  - There can be multiple sortkeys but only one primary key.
# wlm_query_slot_count - This will set aside more memory for query, which may avoid operations spilling to disk
# the isolation level for Redshift is SERIALIZABLE


// There is no equivalent of "show create table tbl_name" 
select from the PG_TABLE_DEF table to gather all the necessary schema information

// convert to and from unixtime

select extract (epoch from timestamp '2011-08-08 11:11:58');
select TIMESTAMP 'epoch' + starttime * INTERVAL '1 second' starting from tbl_name;

// Update a joined table:

update abcd 
set ser_area_code=abcd_update.ser_area_code, 
preferences=abcd_update.preferences, opstype=abcd_update.opstype,
from abcd_update join abcd nc on nc.phone_number = abcd_update.phone_number


// install postgresql
yum install postgresql postgresql-server
chkconfig postgresql on

// You will now create a file where the redshift password will be stored.
vi  ~/.pgpass

chmod 0600 ~/.pgpass

// load data to redshift 
cat to_psql.txt  | psql -hc.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com  -Uroot -p5439 mydb > to_save.csv

// send the file as an attachment
echo "report file attached. " | mutt -s "result data " -a to_save.csv -- some_address@gmail.com

// mysqldump command that will generate the required statements to be used in redshift

mysqldump db_name tbl_name --where='1=1 limit 10' --compact --no-create-info --skip-quote-names > to_psql.txt

Amazon data types are different than of MySQL. For e.g. literals can be saved only as varchar type and upto 65000 bytes.


Here is a script that will do this conversion automatically.



If postgresql client is installed, we can connect to redshift using something like this...

# PGPASSWORD=Fly8946392085 psql -U fsb_user_85_22719249 -h flydata-sandbox-cluster.clroanynhqjo.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com -p 5439 -d flydatasandboxdb
Welcome to psql 8.1.23 (server 8.0.2), the PostgreSQL interactive terminal.


## script that will display 10 rows from each table


echo "select  name  from stv_tbl_perm where db_id = 100546 group by  name ;"  | psql -hkalc.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com -Uroot -p5439 mydb  > /root/psql.txt 2>> /root/psql_err.txt

for tbl_name in `cat /root/psql.txt`
echo "$tbl_name" >> /root/psql_limit.txt 2>> /root/psql_limit_err.txt
echo "select * from $tbl_name limit 10 ; "  | psql -hkalc.us-east-1.redshift.amazonaws.com -Uroot -p5439 mydb  >> /var/www/psql_limit.txt 2>> /root/psql_limit_err.txt
echo "====================================="


The following statement queries the STV_LOCKS table to view all locks in effect for current transactions:

select table_id, last_update, lock_owner, lock_owner_pid, lock_status
from stv_locks;

 table_id |        last_update         | lock_owner | lock_owner_pid |      lock_status
   100295 | 2014-01-06 23:50:56.290917 |      95402 |           7723 | Holding write lock
   100304 | 2014-01-06 23:50:57.408457 |      95402 |           7723 | Holding write lock
   100304 | 2014-01-06 23:50:57.409986 |      95402 |           7723 | Holding  insert lock
(3 rows)

The following statement terminates the session holding the locks:

select pg_terminate_backend(7723);

-- Credit: http://oksoft.blogspot.com/2013/03/redshift-tips.html